Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mulroney & Stephen Harper JOHN& Marten?

February 27, 2008 | 9:15 AM ET

CBC News

A Liberal MP has blasted Brian Mulroney for refusing to testify a second time before the Commons ethics committee, saying there are numerous discrepancies that need to be cleared up.

"We gave him the opportunity to come this week and clear the air — if he had anything new to bring, if he wanted to disagree with anything that had been said at the committee — but he has chosen not to do that," Robert Thibault, a committee member, told CBC News on Wednesday.

"I think his silence speaks volumes," he added.

Mulroney announced on Tuesday he had decided to refuse the Commons ethics committee's request for a second day of testimony.

He gave no details about why he chose not to appear before the committee probing his business dealings with German-Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber.

But the former prime minister's lawyers are expected to appear before the committee on Thursday morning to explain Mulroney's decision.

Committee chair Paul Szabo said last week that Mulroney's testimony is vital, and threatened to subpoena him if he refused to appear voluntarily.

Thibault questioned, however, what more could be learned if Mulroney were forced to speak.

"I don't know what more that his testimony would give if he is forced to do that because we've seen the value of his last testimony," he said.

Since Mulroney first appeared before the committee in Ottawa on Dec. 13, Thibault said, a number of people have raised questions about his testimony.

"He certainly has not cleared his name. Most of the testimony he's given has been refuted," said Thibault.

Ex-PM limiting appearances

Mulroney's lawyer, Guy Pratte, has said Mulroney would only appear before the committee again if he felt the need to clarify or challenge any testimony given by others. He also noted that Mulroney asked to be informed of specific allegations against him.

Mulroney's team has criticized the review as partisan and unfair, and said the committee has failed to produce a "single shred of evidence" implicating him in any wrongdoing or unethical conduct.

During Mulroney's four-hour testimony late last year, he testified Schreiber paid him $225,000 in cash for lobbying work he did abroad after stepping down as prime minister.

Early this week, Schreiber, appearing before the committee for the fifth time, accused Mulroney of misleading the group with a "smoke-and-mirror show" meant to avoid a public inquiry.

He insisted again that he paid Mulroney $300,000 between 1993 and 1994 to lobby the Canadian government for a light-armoured vehicle plant known as the Bear Head project.

a comment

Are the media corporations more important than individuals' freedom to challenge possible discrimination?

If these Human Rights Commissions are so problematic, where would we be without them?

Is our media really free? Do corporate agendas from most of our media outlets constitute an abuse of democracy?

Rick says : Human Rights is a joke,or is it just clear old PROPAGANDA?

A belief for the plantation worker of Canada? can the plantation ever change ?


Feature Interview with Stephen Harper

December 20, 2007 (Runs 17:52)

The Prime Minister discusses climate change, the mission in Afghanistan, the Schreiber affair, and his leadership in a year-end interview with Peter Mansbridge

Stephen Harper is no kind of Canadian we can trust; in fact, he isn't even human—he's a Kanamit. When he goes to Quebec, talking prosperity and provincial ‘nationhood’, he brings along his copy of ‘To Serve Man’ (which monolingual Francophones are having considerable difficulty in translating).

It's a wonder poor Mr. Mansbridge didn't get eaten alive.

Posted by: R. W. Watkins | December 30, 2007 06:32

When Peter Mansbridge interviewed Stephen Harper, he said that Mr. Mulroney had given evidence UNDER OATH. This, of course, is incorrect as Don Newman told us just before Mr. Mulroney spoke that he had been given the choice of either taking an oath or just promising to tell the truth, and that he had chosen the latter. I WONDER WHY? In any event, this is the main reason for having a public inquiry: so that both Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Harper can speak UNDER OATH.

PETJURY? HOW MANY plantation worker are lying under oath on the stand,to put other,


How sweet? Question what are we to do?

Do your own Investation at

Do your own INVESTIGATION? Look what it Costs the TAXPAYERS? look at the link of

Governments Bureaucrat will go to make a person a VICTIM of legal Abuse?

Home > New Brunswick > Court of Appeal of New Brunswick > 2008 NBCA 14 (CanLII)

Harris and H.A.R. Construction Limited v. W.H. Goodwin & Co. Ltd. and Goodwin, 2008 NBCA 14 (CanLII)

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Reflex Record (noteup and cited decisions)


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Decisions cited






(Plaintiffs) APPELLANTS



(Demandeurs) APPELANTS

- and -

- et -



(Defendants) RESPONDENTS



(Défendeurs) INTIMÉS

Harris and H.A.R. Construction Limited

v. W.H. Goodwin & Co. Ltd. and Goodwin,

2008 NBCA14

Harris et H.A.R. Construction Limited

c. W.H. Goodwin & Co. Ltd. et Goodwin,

2008 NBCA 14


The Honourable Justice Turnbull

The Honourable Justice Richard

The Honourable Justice Bell


L’honorable juge Turnbull

L’honorable juge Richard

L’honorable juge Bell

Appeal from a decision of

the Court of Queen’s Bench:

February 26, 2007

Appel d’une décision de

la Cour du Banc de la Reine :

Le 26 février 2007

History of case:

Decision under appeal:


Preliminary or incidental proceedings:


Historique de la cause :

Décision frappée d’appel :


Procédures préliminaires ou accessoires :


Appeal heard:

November 22, 2007

Appel entendu :

Le 22 novembre 2007

Judgment rendered:

February 14, 2008

Jugement rendu :

Le 14 février 2008

Counsel at hearing:

For the appellants:

David H. Dunsmuir

For the respondents:

Hugh J. Cameron

Avocats à l’audience :

Pour les appelants :

David H. Dunsmuir

Pour les intimés :

Hugh J. Cameron


The appeal is allowed with costs of $2,500, and the summary judgment dismissing the action against W. Harrison Goodwin is set aside.


L’appel est accueilli avec dépens de 2 500 $ et le jugement sommaire rejetant l’action intentée à W. Harrison Goodwin est annulé.

The following is the judgment delivered by


[1] In an unreported decision dated February 26, 2007, a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench summarily dismissed H.A.R. Construction Limited and Richard A. Harris’ action against W. Harrison Goodwin but allowed the action to proceed against W.H. Goodwin & Co. Ltd. The summary judgment was issued pursuant to Rule 22 of the Rules of Court.

[2] Rule 22.02(2) provides as follows:

22.02 Affidavit Evidence

(2) A defendant applying for summary judgment shall file and serve an affidavit

(a) setting out the facts verifying his contention that there is no merit in the whole or part of the claim, and

(b) stating that he knows of no fact which would substantiate the whole or part of the claim.

22.02 Preuve par affidavit

(2) Le défendeur qui demande un jugement sommaire doit déposer et signifier un affidavit

a) exposant les faits qui appuient son argument voulant que la demande, en tout ou en partie, ne soit pas fondée et

b) dans lequel il affirme ne connaître aucun fait qui puisse justifier la demande en tout ou en partie.

[3] In the present case, the affidavit filed by W. Harrison Goodwin in support of his motion for summary judgment did not meet the requirements of Rule 22.02(2), in that it did not state that he knows of no facts which would substantiate the whole or part of the claim. On appeal, counsel for W. Harrison Goodwin argued that this requirement should not be read as mandatory. Alternatively, he maintained that Mr. Goodwin’s failure to comply with this requirement should be excused by application of Rule 2.02, which permits flexibility in the face of procedural errors.

[4] A review of the jurisprudence reveals that the requirement set out in Rule 22.02 has consistently been regarded as mandatory. As Drapeau J.A. (now Chief Justice) stated in Dubé v. Dionne et al.  (reflex-logo) reflex, (1998), 201 N.B.R. (2d) 387 (C.A.), [1998] N.B.J. No. 241 (QL), at para 11, “Rule 22.02 expressly provides for filing and service of affidavits by the moving party. This rule sets out the minimum requirements of what must be included in the affidavit.” In Caissie v. Sénéchal Estate et al. 2001 NBCA 35 (CanLII), (2001), 237 N.B.R. (2d) 232, [2001] N.B.J. No. 120 (QL), 2001 NBCA 35, he added, at para. 14, that “[t]he evidentiary record must include an affidavit by the moving party that complies with Rule 22.02.”

[5] Several decisions of the Court of Queen’s Bench also highlight the importance of strict compliance with the requirements of Rule 22.02, including New Brunswick Milk Dealers Association v. New Brunswick Milk Marketing Board (1984), 56 N.B.R. (2d) 413 (Q.B.), [1984] N.B.J. No. 263 (QL), at para. 6; Beetham v. Markessini et al. 2002 NBQB 37 (CanLII), (2002), 247 N.B.R. (2d) 13, [2002] N.B.J. No. 28 (QL), 2002 NBQB 37, at para. 48; Benoît c. Lemieux, [2002] N.B.R. (2d) (Supp.) No. 95, [2002] A.N.-B. no 448 (QL), 2003 NBBR 16 (CanLII), 2003 NBBR 16, at paras. 8-13; Dostie v. Royal & Sunalliance Insurance Co. of Canada 2004 NBQB 195 (CanLII), (2004), 277 N.B.R. (2d) 203, [2004] N.B.J. No. 186 (QL), 2004 NBQB 195, at paras. 32-38; and Calumet International Inc. v. Maliseet Nation at Tobique 2004 NBQB 149 (CanLII), [2004] N.B.J. No. 137, 2004 NBQB 149, at paras. 5-11.

[6] The purpose and effect of the summary judgment Rule support the mandatory nature of the minimum requirements set out in Rule 22.02. Noting that “a trial on the merits is a right that is closely guarded by the courts”, in Dubé v. Dionne et al. this Court explained, at para. 9, that “Rule 22 confers upon a judge an extraordinary power authorizing him to put an end to a proceeding without a trial.”

[7] In our view, the minimum requirements of what must be included in an affidavit in support of an application for summary judgment reflect the extraordinary nature of the relief sought. When a party applies for such relief, the effect of which would be to deprive the opposing party of a trial, the supporting affidavit must, at the very least, comply with the minimum requirements set out in the Rule. The minimum requirements set out in Rule 22.02 are therefore substantive in nature, and not merely procedural. It follows that failure to comply with the requirements of Rule 22.02 is not a procedural irregularity.

[8] Given that the affidavit of Mr. Goodwin fails to state that he knows of no facts which would substantiate the whole or part of the Plaintiffs’ claim, the requirement was not met, and summary judgment was not available. We therefore conclude that, on the basis of the record before her, the motion judge erred in dismissing the action against W. Harrison Goodwin.

[9] For these reasons, the appeal is allowed and the summary judgment dismissing the action against W. Harrison Goodwin is set aside. It follows that those portions of the Statement of Claim dealing with the claim against Mr. Goodwin that the motion judge struck out as a result of the summary judgment are restored to their original state. Portions of the Statement of Claim that were struck out on other grounds and that were not the subject of this appeal remain unaffected. We order the respondent, W. Harrison Goodwin, to pay the appellants costs in the amount of $2,500.







Fact of option of Richard Harris!

( 1) The affidavit filed by W. Harrison Goodwin in support of his motion for summary judgment! part of the Affidavit was a copy of his Report? that was change ? Richard did not see this until it was serve on him on February of 2007?

(2) Harrison Goodwin Lawyer knew Richard Harris was waiting to get his files back from his X lawyers firm PATTERSON PALMER Law?

(3) Hugh J. Cameron lawyer for Goodwin knew I was waiting for my files to make amendment on my Statement of Claim?

(4) the reason of the Motion on February 26,2007 was delay ? on Richard of not moving this Action forward?

(5) My options here is Goodwin & his Lawyer knew i was with out a lawyer ? finger they could rail road

me out of this action or delay the matter longer to

deep poker me even longer?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

David Raymond Amos Run

the Green party

David Raymond Amos

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theguythatdid (2 months ago)
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45*55'48.12"N @ 66*43'22.76"W
teslacoils2001 (4 months ago)
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LMAO wheres the other voice you literally ment you are recording only one end. This is funny
darian992003 (6 months ago)
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I would only offer my name and number to the following people:

1. Friends and family members
2. Attractive ladies

People I would NOT offer my name and number to:

1. Crazy bastards
2. Crazy bastards named "DavidRaymondAmos"

oh and what is with all the heavy breathing on your too many donuts??
DavidRaymondAmos (7 months ago)
| Spam
Your the one who needs help Buck May I suggest you learn to read and then write me your name and phone number? Oh and who is your boyfriend?
darian992003 (7 months ago)
| Spam
AMOS is Crazy!!! Kind of funny but kind of sad too....AMOS, couple questions for you?

1. Have you ever have had a girlfriend?
2. Ever had any friends?

Get some help!!
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It has been reported to me that Capital City To... (more)
Added: 07/06/07
It has been reported to me that Capital City Towing has filed a criminal harrment complaint against me. When actually the reverse is true because he hates me over something that happened in 1978. I don't remember Alan MacFee at all but I did discover that his sister was appointed Deputy Register of the appeals Court and did cross paths with her boss Michael Bray in 2004. (less)
Added: 07/06/07
Category: News & Politics
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More From: DavidRaymondAmos

Monday, February 25, 2008

Charles Leblanc site is down?

Frederictonian Blogger Charles Leblanc in court

N.B. judge blasts Crown’s case against blogger

Last Updated: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 | 2:49 PM AT

CBC News

The judge overseeing the obstruction trial of internet blogger Charles LeBlanc criticized the prosecution’s case in open court and even wondered aloud why LeBlanc was arrested in the first place.

Judge William McCarroll stopped short of dismissing the case Tuesday, but asked several pointed questions of the Crown, and suggested police officers may have acted inappropriately.Â

McCarroll studied CBC videotape of LeBlanc’s arrest outside a business conference in Saint John last June. The video shows LeBlanc taking digital photos of a rowdy protest outside conference doors, and caught three Saint John police officers pinning him to the ground while he shouted out that he was taking pictures for his internet website. He was later charged with obstruction of justice.

In court, the judge said it appeared that LeBlanc was just off to the side taking pictures when a police officer grabbed him.

“The video speaks for itself. It’s very strong evidence, that video,” McCarroll said. “He’s taking pictures. The next thing is, you know, he’s down on the ground with three officers on him.”

Police had testified earlier in the week that LeBlanc resisted during his arrest, but McCarroll held up a picture of the police walking LeBlanc peacefully across the lobby of the conference centre. “This doesn’t look to me like someone who is resisting arrest.” // ‘); // ]]> dcmaxversion = 9 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject(”ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.” & dcmaxversion & “”))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion

Police testimony ‘inconsistent’

McCarroll said police testimony on Monday and Tuesday morning was inconsistent with what he saw on the videotape, and he wondered out loud why police ignored the masked man standing beside LeBlanc who was an obvious protester.

Crown prosecutor Catherine McNally suggested police arrested LeBlanc because they “didn’t recognize him as a media person.”

McCarroll replied the officers must have believed he was some sort of journalist, because they admitted to using his blog to get information about the conference in the days prior to his arrest. “The police went to his blogsite to get information,” he said.

Tuesday morning, Saint John police admitted to visiting LeBlanc’s blog site to obtain information on the Atlantica conference in the days before the event, even though they eventually arrested him partly because they didn’t consider him a legitimate journalist.

Sgt. Bruce Connell testified Tuesday that police were concerned about planned demonstrations at the conference, held last June, and visited LeBlanc’s website to get more information.

LeBlanc had written about plans by some opponents to attend the business conference and protest, a report police found useful enough to download and discuss.

“You did find some information there, useful to you,” asked LeBlanc’s lawyer, Harold Doherty, during testimony in the Saint John courtroom.

“Yes, absolutely,” replied Connell.

Too ’scruffy’ to be a reporter

The arresting officer, Sgt. John Parks, testified Monday that he didn’t consider LeBlanc to be a legitimate reporter because he appeared “scruffy” and had an unprofessional-looking digital camera. Parks also admitted to deleting a photo of himself from LeBlanc’s camera.

Doherty says LeBlanc did not obstruct justice during the protest, and was just doing his job as a journalist. He says the officers’ actions in deleting pictures from LeBlanc’s camera deprive him of a full and fair defence because they would show precisely where LeBlanc was standing and what he was doing in the minutes before his arrest.

Doherty says freedom of the press should extend to all journalists, not just those employed with large media organizations.

LeBlanc says Saint John police deleted dozens of photos, but Parks admitted to deleting only one of himself from the camera.

Parks also testified Monday that he had no idea what a blog or blogger was, even though his colleague admitted Tuesday to using LeBlanc’s website as a source of information.

Defence attorney Harold Doherty had intended to call witnesses Tuesday afternoon, but changed his mind after the judge’s barrage of questions and comments criticizing the Crown. A verdict in the case is expected Friday.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Byron Prior.&Premier Danny Williams?

? was lawyer DANNY WILLIAMS not Mr.Priors lawyer before he was Premier?

You would think the NFLD premier would give Byron Prior closer on the

at less do a
investigation of the Cover up? Why is Harper not doing anything about this Matter?

Canadian Corruption
Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy. RCMP Incompetence & Cover up. Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada

How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and convict itself?
If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, Freemason Grand Master, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, what would you do? Liberal MP Bill Matthews & his friends, raped the same child repeatedly, for more than 3 Yrs. At 14 ,she had a second baby, Aaron, she said she was 80% sure he is Matthews son.

A third baby, Harriett, at 18 & 3 miscarriages also, by this time, what abuse of a child. Matthews & his lawyer, Ed Roberts, pressured me to sign papers, saying Matthews had nothing to do with my family & I imagined it all. NOT SO. I have copies of their letters. 2 weeks after I signed these papers, MR ED ROBERTS was made LT. Govenor of NFLD. & LAB. by MR JEAN CHRETIEN, soon to be known as Canada's most CORRUPT Prime Minister. After the Justice Minister, Rapes & Impregnates a 12 Yr. old child, in a small town & everyone knows, who will stop or charge anyone else, for Raping & Abusing that same child??

MR. Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, you say you want to clean up Government Corruption, start here, DO SOMETHING NOW PLEASE, I am willing to take any tests and answer all questions regarding my entire life. All they have to do is take one blood test. It's time for them to stop manipulating our legal system and face the truth, which I have be telling anyone else who would listen, all of my life.I didn't just awake one morning and decide to accuse the most powerful and most corrupt legal animal in this province.

I have had, no childhood, no education, no family, no hometown, no self- esteem or self-respect and no past, present or future as a contributing person. By the time I was 14 years old I was responsible for 9 younger children, all of us abused and molested while our hometown either joined in, bothered us about our situation, or looked the other way and said we were all trouble.

Our mother has always been a hypochondriac and married prostitute in a town of 2500 people. She can go blind instantly, become a cripple instantly, go insane instantly and even convinced the doctors at our Health Science Center 4 years ago she was dying of cancer.

They called her family and said she had a maximum of two weeks to live, but out of every situation she can instantly become well. This person is a disgrace to the human race . I am Byron Prior, the oldest of her 12 children.

(A) I was sexually abused by my mother from age 4 to 14.

(B) Physically beaten by my mother until I bleed because I tried to stop her friends and family from molesting my younger sisters.

(C) Sent next door with my mother's gay boyfriend almost daily for money from age 5 to 14.

(D) Brought to her drunk girlfriend's summer cabin to be sexually abused for money.

(E) Had to clean the blood from my 4 year old sister after she was sexually molested by our grandfather and left on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood.

(F) Had to watch while my oldest sister had three miscarriages and two children by the age of 15. One child for a member of the Newfoundland Government when she was 12, and a second child when she was 15 for another Politician, a girl, Majorie and a boy, Arron. In 1983 the girl, age 15, was given an illegal abortion in Montreal with everything arranged and paid for with spending money for her and my sister Joan, by a friend of the family.

This girl has worked for Hickman's family business from high school to this day. Five of my sisters and one brother suffered similar abuse as I did.
Why is this situation allowed to continue for more than 40 years and ruin all my families lives? Is it because,

(A) Our mothers past customers are politically connected and run our legal system.

(B) Our mothers past customers are Grand Bank business men whose children are now politicians.

(C) One of our mothers family is a big wheel with organized crime all of his adult life and is a partner to politicians.

(D) Is it because two of her past customers are Salvation Army officers, who came by to help us but became customers as well.

(E) Is it because all of North America is corrupt and a family of 12 really means nothing to anyone when business and politics are concerned in an economy controlled by corruption.

(F) Is it to cover up Child rape and corruption by T. Alex Hickman and a business family with influence and business contacts all across Canada.

The legal system now tells us justice for my family and I are three charges against one mentally delayed man with a judge and jury at the T. Alex Hickman building in the same town where we spent our entire lives with abuse and persecution.

Two R.C.M.P. officers and the Crown prosecutors office will make no effort to have the location changed. Again there will be NO JUSTICE SERVED and as much covered up as possible.

This I'm told will begin in Sept. 2001, at Grand Bank, NFLD I spoke with the Crown Prosecutor on Sept,18/01. He said his office has been trying to get the complete investigation reports from the RCMP for more than two years now and to this date still hasn't received them.

He said this was in his experience, the first time he had ever seen such an unexplained delay to get information. On Nov 29/01 I'm told by Victim services, this has changed to Jan.11/02 for a trial date to be set.
FR: Sister Donna.

To whom it may concern: 04/13/98 There are many horrors that I can recall from childhood. Byron's too frequent trips to the woodshed next door; his having to sleep in the same bed as our Mother;

his little hands, palms down, being held on the hot coal stove burner; the never ending beatings with belt buckles; braided nylon ropes; old- fashioned ironing cords; hot tea thrown in our faces or the face of my Father; knives and forks thrown at us; hot grease thrown at us or our Father; continual molestation - sexual - to myself and other siblings;

continual verbal and emotional abuse; at eight years old I was locked in the cupboard under the stairs for hours with rats crawling around me because my little brother had misplaced his baby bottle while I was in charge of him; continual abandonment when Mother would take her vacation and leave us at seven and eight years old to take care of ourselves and the babies;

being forced to quit school to go to work to provide yet more money for our beloved Mother; my younger brother, Allan, being thrown into jail for no legitimate reason, other than she wanted him out of the house - by the way; if you check, you will also find that there is no record of his incarceration; the abuse that we suffered was, and remains, never ending........

Our lives have been destroyed. We all suffer from severe emotional problems. We have extreme difficulty trusting others. We cannot form loving relationships.

It is very difficult for us to allow others to get that close to us without pushing them away. All we ever wanted was someone to love us for who we were; but, when we get close to others, we tend to sabotage those relationships - unconsciously.

The cycle of abuse continued with my own daughter. My younger brother, Randell, molested her from the age of four years. This fact my daughter was afraid to confide to me until a year and a half ago. May God have mercy on his soul because "I Don't"!!!!

Both Byron and myself have tried to have those in authority - RCMP, Social Services, Clergy and Teachers help us, but, our cries for help fell on deaf ears. We were, to them, a disposible family of liars and children with overactive imaginations.

Nothing can make the nightmares go away. Even the sleeping pills don't work anymore. It has to end! There has to be justice and a sense of closure for all of us. Please, if we stop this cycle of insanity from happening to other innocent children, then maybe our lives would have not totally been in vain. You are our hope. Please help us to find justice.

Sincerely Yours,

Sharl (Donna) Prior

FR: Brother Allan.

April 14, 1998

A letter of Shame;
This letter concerns what happened to my family and myself.

The things that I remember are also the things I try to forget. I'm not very good with words so I will only tell you a few things of many which have happened within my family.

Leather belts, ironing cords, ropes were only some things I was beaten with so many times I can't count. Verbal and mental abuse, the same humilating things that were done to my sisters and brothers.

Girls having to pull down their pants and pea in their underwear for our mothers long time friend, for money. I remember our mother going into a bedroom with him and coming out some time later. We have a brother and sister (who I love) who look and act like this guy.

I expect, without much doubt, are his. I remember the abuse to my father, a man I loved with all my heart. Attacks on him with anything our mother could put her hands on, knives, hot water, chasing him out of the house. This man was home maybe a day every ten, and she would blame him for everything and when Dad wasn't around, we were blamed for everything, which was anything.

This is a woman who every chance she had would call the police on me to try to have me charged with something.

This was when she couldn't beat me anymore because I was a little older, but she still had to have control over me. This was a small town in Newfoundland with a population of 3500 people. So she would have me taken away from my home by the police and I would have nowhere else to go, this was control over me and she knew it.

I would have to kiss ass just to have a roof over my head. (Of course this was after my father had passed away.

He was afraid of her but he would never have let her do this to me.)

This is a woman that had me put in jail during Christmas and New Year's when I was very young. This was for trying to teach my niece her homework, she said I had to ask her.

Education was not something she was concerned about for her kids.

All she wanted was when I had turned 15 was to get out of school and go to work in the fish plant so I could pay my way every week.

She would loan me $20 and I would have to repay her $40 plus rent.

This woman has a lot of problems. I do not hate her because she is my mother but I do not like her as a person.

I finally got out and moved to Ontario, uneducated with no direction, but out. I really haven't had any contact with her since then and have not seen her since.

I think because of all these things and many more which as happened to me and things I saw that had happened to other members of my family is the reason I have a hard time to meet anyone, develop a relationship, or hold down a job.

I'm always lost, I don't know if I should see a doctor or if it's just me, I'm lost.

The way I am now is the way the rest also is, it must be because of her, take a look, it has to be.

I'm writing this letter now so that this woman and the others who knew what was happening but did nothing face up and admit what happened.

All of my family have the same problems and the same memories which affect our lives. This is something I have never spoken about with anyone, but now maybe it's time. Hopefully, this will help me start to became a real person a whole person.

Please do what you know is the right thing to do.
Sincerely yours,
Allan Prior

To Whom It May Concern:
July 24, 2001
My name is Byron Prior. I'm the oldest living of these 12 children.

I not only had to live through my abuse but, watch as the rest of my sisters and brother were abused and raped.

Three of my sisters raped, 1 by a grandfather at the age of 4, a second raped by T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, at age 12 & Bill Matthews & friends from 13 on.

A third sister raped by a young man in our home town. The legal system are only concerned with keeping all this under cover and protect themselves.

Please people, if you have a heart, walk one day in my shoes and tell me you would just forget because these bureaucrats say so.

I have copies of my full statement on all the details of what happened, which I gave the R.C.M.P. on March 9, 1998, 52.5 hours at their office.

I will send it to anyone who will send me an E-mail address.

I will never forget the abuse, shame, and persecution to this day, from the animals who did this to my family.

Byron Prior

On April 3, 2000, the second in command of the R.C.M.P. for all of Canada, said in an interview from Toronto, organized crime totally controls Canadian businesses and affects every Canadians daily life, from video arcades to laundry mats.

This is very sad, here in Canada we are lost and we all need help. Here in Newfoundland our Dictator, T. Alex Hickman, has had his hands in our Political and legal systems from 1957 to this very day.

His family and friends control everything, including whether my family and I ever get justice for what was done to us in the town of Grand Bank.

We've tried for justice at least 9 times from Police, Social Services, Clergy and Family members. This last attempt started on March 9/98.

On July 24/98 an RCMP officer told me they have enough information to charge our mother and one boyfriend now.

On February 25/00 an RCMP officer said he was recommending the justice department should lay 35 charges against several people.

This officer was taken off the case, transferred from Grand Bank to St. John's custom's department position and his wife transferred to a new position in St. John's with Provincial social services department.

To this day August 20/01 only 3 charges are laid against one mentally delayed boyfriend and no trial date set yet . The trial date has been set for April 29/02.

On April 5/02 I spoke with the Crown Attorney, Ted Cardwell, he said the only two witnesses for the trial on our behalf will be my sister Joan and me.

The investigating officer John Warr of the RCMP is not necessary, my therapist of two years is not necessary, my social worker from victim services is not necessary and my sister Joan's therapist is not necessary.

It seems to me like the final verdict has already been decided and again for the victims there is no justice. The Court did not proceed on April 29/02.

It was found by the Judge and both attorneys that they did not have an unbiased jury toward the defendant and another attempt to find a jury in this same town will be made again on May 21/02.

This is also the home town of my family and I and I asked the Crown Attorney, at the beginning of this trial, if it could be held in a neutral town to be fair to my family and I.

If you have read some of the statements in this web site guest book you can understand why I made this request. It seems all consideration is given for the defendant but none for the victims.

The R.C.M.P. freely admit that they are in position of 3 statements I had given them about the abuse in our family when I was a child but for some reason will not make these statements available to me or my lawyer. I would like you to read this request made of the R.C.M.P. by a local law firm on

May 16/01 via fax (279-1871):
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Marystown Detachment
Marystown, Nfld.
Attention: Constable Jackie Remillard

Dear Constable Remillard:: Re: Our Client - Mr Byron Prior
Further to the above and to our various past communications, most particularly our letter of February 16/ 01, despite the passage of several months we have yet to receive the information requested at that time. As it is ordinarily a straightforward matter to obtain, with that person's consent, the statements of a complainant we are at a loss to explain to our client why our request has not been answered to date. We would, therefore, appreciate your early attention to this matter and look forward to the immediate receipt of the requested material.

Trusting the above to be satisfactory.
Yours very truly

Questions for John Warr, R.C.M.P. lead investigator who will no longer speak with me personally.

1. Why would you say most of the R.C.M.P. Officers and Doctors in my case are retired and you couldn't find them now. Don't any of them get a pension? What address is that sent to?

2. Why did you tell two witnesses who volunteered information - a lady from Garnish and a man from Fortune, that this case would be very messy and they should think very hard before volunteering information, you would contact them in a couple of days for an appointment. They both changed their minds about witnessing.

3. Why didn't you question witnesses whose names you were given at the beginning of this case four years ago. People in Ontario and people 15 minutes from your office. One witness #85 & 86 in my guest book on my website and others who have telephoned me.

4. Why did you go to a Grand Bank business man, who had no information about this case, more than 2 years ago and tell him there was a very messy case coming up soon involving my family and I. Then immediately after you were transferred and only 3 charges laid against one person.

5. Why is the lead investigator not a necessary witness in this case? You investigated and recommended the charges be laid, you must have some information regarding this case.

6. Why in 2 years of your investigation, did you not once approach or ask Harriett Prior one question at all?
After all these years of reporting to the R.C.M.P. can everyone see why I have to inform the public myself. IT'S A DISGRACE.

On April 19/00 our Prime Minister is in the Middle East fighting for Basic Human rights. Here in your own house Mr. Prime Minister we need Basic Human Rights also. We are now fighting in Afganistan for the rights of abused and persecuted people, most of whom are women, please allow my family and I some personal rights and dignity here in Canada.

If anyone requires more info I have statements to Police, names and positions of all persons involved and letters from family members on what has happened to our dysfunctional family.

Please contact us at or call (709) 834-9822 Byron Prior.

After you view our site please tell your friends and e-mail our Prime Minister, Mr Stephen Harper, and our Premier, Mr Danny Williams, tell them, Justice for The Prior family of Grand Bank NFLD. is long past due, you need to give them Justice today. Visit their website at 6 more pages of info at the top left corner of our homepage. I Look forward to living with Democracy, Freedom and Justice for my family also, here in Canada.

FR: Sister Joan.

To Whom It May Concern:

What I am about to disclose is extrememly painful for me but what I'm writing is completely honest to the best of my knowledge and recollection. I would like it to be known for the record that I have no desire to hurt anyone.

All I am trying to accomplish is to help my brothers, sisters and myself get some closure in their lives; for them and for their families.

For me, personally, I was and still am very strong.

I endured nothing in comparision to some of my other siblings.

I Love my Mother because she is my Mother and she did give me life; such as it was. However, there is no LOVE that compares with the love

I have for my brothers and sisters.

Therefore, I must tell the Gods honest truth.

What I strongly feel for my Mother though is a sense of pity.

She is and always has been a Manic Depressant.