Monday, June 16, 2008

water powered car

Water Powered Car! No More Gasoline!

probably water is more scarce than oil.... just imagine all cars in the whole world using water everyday??? or now I ask... Could we use the water of sea to move the cars...???
Thx,you're totally right about saving the planet, the time is very short, check it out watch?v=JUtVQ7QbCNU
Thanks ,ive seen it b4 .
i was suprised you heard the story .I learned it from a guy who went to colege with him ,he knew him well .I have just now heard the story on YT, here it is watch?v=HE68OsG3Vpc
That's true, check out this engine watch?v=U-Lnhs7caCo
An aussie built one of these cars about 15 years ago .He was "told" he can drive it but can't tell anyone about it .
He dissapeared off the face of the earth .
oil and car companies keep buying up all the pantents eg battery cells and then do not,hing with them. A car company makes its money off of parts.. electric cars have very few parts an never wear out, only bearings to change. How about the mechanics that change oil... no more jobs.

At least now they might not have a choice!
yea communism? yea socialism? yea fascism? yea military regimes? shut up idiot.
Hey dumb fuck, when you burn hydrogen the by product is water.
KippTheKidd (5 days ago) Show Hide
This is a scam; they're forgetting the work it takes to turn water into brown's gas. You can't get energy for nothing.

1 watt of electricity + water = 1 unit of brown's gas.

burn 1 unit of brown's gas = get 1 watt of electricity, plus water.
what is this guys name?
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