Thursday, May 08, 2008

Patterson law

“Society exists only as a mental concept;
in the real world there

the lawyer Douglas Caldwell got me hook up with Goodwin in the first place?
It is clear now that the New Brunswick is behind the Fraud ?
Now if you where halt up in life for years ? would it not cost money? did i buy property just so lawyers would put in a bill to the Taxpayers for $212.300.00 dollars?

who out there that can help me ! My life has Ben ruin! help me stop this before they do this to someone else?
Jamie Eddy?


John B.D.Logan ? now Government? Lawyer. this happen in 2001. after he told us our land clain

was worth $750,000.00 thousand Dollars ? now look at all the Expropriation cases ! and you see that no one ever get this kind of money

Logan_Col03 John Logan Lawyer

Bussy body Rex Tucker? what did he received from this?

Rex Tucker

gest who


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