Monday, March 31, 2008


From: Shirley MacLean (
Sent: August 23, 2006 8:39:18 AM
To: Richard Harris (
Please note that you had left me a voice mail with no telephone number. Also 
please be advised that we do not process complaints by e-mail.Our policy is only
to process complaints received in writing by regular mail or fax. If you
have corresponded by regular mail I will respond by mail. If you intend to
file a complaint please do so in writing and either mail or fax it to us.
(506) 451-1421. Please note that I am not processing the e-mails
you forwarded to me.

Thank you.

Shirley C. MacLean
Registrar of Complaints

To:; Shirley MacLean
Subject: FW: RE: HELP

I talked to you today and I would like for you to get back to me as soon as
you can so I can make plans to move on and go out west if I pass my stress
test for August 29 so I can keep my license.
And also Mr. Goodwin had a background report in his draft report which I
intern made my own up and gave it to my lawyer in February 2005, so they
would know about some of my background. In this background report the date
of the meeting with Heather Pugh was in this background report. The date
was February 13, 1997, but remember the applicants lawyers were the ones who
put this memo that wasn't on the government and John Raymond document list.
I told my lawyer that I wanted Goodwin's action. I wanted Mr. Goodwin's
statement of claim on my document list and not on the respondents list, but
this is not what went on. I believe I have been told to go to the Law
Society for different reasons. Will the Law Society get my documents back
from my lawyers in Nova Scotia, because I will probably need these documents
to carry on. Besides that, what reason does the lawyers have to keep my
documents if they don't want to change their internal memos. Keeping the
documents is a good way for the lawyers to protect themselves against the
Law Society.

They can make memos up anytime they decide to.

Richard Harris

>From: "Richard Harris"

>Subject: RE: HELP
>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006

>>To Whom it may Concern:
>> I started an action between W.H. Goodwin April 7th 2004. Why? Because
>>there would be a
>>limitation of time. I Had to serve him within at least 6 months. After
>>the Discovery of 2004 on file FC/328/00, The expropriation file, I wanted
>>a court date so I woudn't have to serve Goodwin, but eventually I had to
>>serve Goodwin. The day after Mr. Goodwin was served, I had a court date
>>the same day. The problem is, in this action against Mr Goodwyn, I had
>>been told I am not allowed to represent my company. The biggest losses in
>>the expropriation property case, was in my company's name (HAR contruction
>>LTD) Mr Goodwin has a lawyer, Mr. Cameron, and he has a big insurance
>>company paying his bills. I was forced to change my statement of claim
>>Because of what went on in court on file FC/328/00 Because of the date we
>>typed the survey letter, I was mistaken in the statement of claim. But I
>>wasn't mistaken about the first time I knew the highway was shifted. It
>>was the day I talked to mr Colburn (December 20th). Mr Colburnwho was at
>>the meeting in Oromocto Dec 11th 1996. When this shift was announced it
>>would be taking place. (A shift is a highway alignment. )
>>I need some help hereby a lawyer that will go 50/50 on a lawsuit against
>>Mr. Goodwin. Or help me bring a motion so that I could represent myself as
>>to myself as to this file 92417 canada ltd. et al. V. Bomac Batten Ltd.
>>I cannot afford to work and to keep on going the way I've been doing
>>I also appealed the court case cause I feel that what went on in court
>>would hurt me in this claim against Mr. Goodwin. This is why I appealed
>>it. I have been told the same thing by the appeal court, that I am not
>>aloud to represent my company (H.A.R Construction). So I need to bring a
>>motion to the appeal court to represent my company. I also need to bring a
>>motion to the appeals court and to add some relevant documents that were
>>deliberately left out at the trial. I fell that I do not have a chance to
>>continue without a lawyer being involved and to help me to take the right
>>steps in the process of bringing Mr. Goodwin's actions forward.
>>Also, I believe there should be a claim against my lawyers. And their firm
>>Pattterson Palmer Hunt and Murphy. As you will see, by reading the
>>documents that I will supply you, I have been misled and they have been
>>really negligent in bringing my case forward. I feel that they are wokring
>>with the province and the justince system to really delay me, and to put
>>me on the streets so that I cannot fight for my rights. As you can see on
>>paragraph 3 on Goodwyn's statement of claims on the minumum statement of
>>claim that hasnt been registerd with the court yet, on paragraoh three, my
>>net worth before I bought this property to work with, was over 600,000
>>dollars Canadian. And the evidence that this is really factual, because I
>>had dsocuments to submit on discovery in 2004 which I wanted to probe my
>>net worth so I would at least have the entitlement to put back where I
>>My net worht when this expropriation took place was over 400,000. Today,
>>I feel that I cannot do anything unless I get some money to put me back
>>where I was.
>>After Mr. Goodwyn was served, on August 17th, 2004, I received a letter
>>form Patterson Pamer Hunt & Murpohy, form Mr Dugla (right->) Caldwell. He
>>rights this letter veryfyg he knows about the 9 particulars. That I want
>>added before Dicovery of March 2004.But he's saying in thi letter you sent
>>o Jujhe the 16th, which is improper because I got faxed proof that it was
>>sent before the last Disovery.
>>I woud also like to know, form a lawyer, if it would be possible, to start
>>a brand new action in the Federal court court, against the apparaisal
>>board, the association of appraisers, he appraiser Mr Carter, appraiser mr
>>Goodwyn, the law firm and lawyers and dot and the provinces of new
>>Brunswick. Due to the bad faith dealings with all these people, they have
>>completely destroyed my life. I also feel that Judge Russell's decision
>>was very biased even with the facts that he made his decision on. And the
>>briefings. The settlement conference briefings for one, that was full of
>>misleading information, and the : date for filing post-trial briefs: April
>>11 & 18, 2005 they were mixing the information up so there was no way the
>>judge could even make a fair decision by all parties involved. Because if
>>you take Discovery Transcripts and the particulars, that wad deleted
>>before the case that was , you can see in these discovery transcripts
>>there was a lot of unfactual data that was presented to the judge. And The
>>biggest thing based on the judges decision, as far as I could see. , was
>>mrs Pew's testimony, where she deliberately lied on the stand. If you look
>>at Mr Goodwyn's page 90 of his draft report, you can see that this thing
>>was staged before the court trial even took place. So in other words, I
>>wasted eight year fighting. I don't want to waste no more of my life
>>fighting, unless I've got somebody in my corner.
>>They D.O.T. and the system as buried me in documentation. Also, I have got
>>40 some casette tapes talking to the premiers offices, talking to my
>>lawyers, mainly, and with these 40 some tapes that could be made out as
>>phone memoes that have grossly been misled and deliberately delayed.
>>Note: if you don't want to get really involved, just help me tke care of
>>this matter.
>>Also, Mr Carter's file notes, there was a comment on a listing on a store,
>>written by Mr Carter, I presume, where he had written down the word "Con
>>Artist"and I feel my laeyers D.O.T. has gone to great lengths to make me
>>look like a Con Artist. If you want to see take a look @ McLoed v. N.B.,
>>[2000] N.B.R.(2d) (Supp.) No. 13(TD)
>>my judgement on this case would probably speak for itself. The lawyers and
>>appraisers were all working together, they were all working as one big
>>family. Look at the discovery of 2001 you'll see that Fredericton
>>appraisels did not even have appraisels. If I would have guaranteed mr
>>Goodwyn 70, 000 dollars out of my claim against the province, I believe
>>that this whole thing was set u between the lawyers, Carter and Goodwyn
>>right at the beginning to come out similiar to the above stated case. The
>>difference being that Mr. Goodwyn would have received $70,000 from myself.
>>I wil supply you with the 42 pages that was sent to David Eidt leagla
>>service branch, dated may the 12th, 2006. Whereby in a conversation with
>>mr Eidht later on in the same day, Mr Eidhts was telling me that in tow
>>months time he will have my appeal withdrawn. Or Im going to have to pay
>>12, 000 for transcripts.which I will refuse to spend any more money
>>unless I have a solicitor to help me.
>>Richard Harris

Letter from the Law Society of N.B.

From: Shirley MacLean (
Sent: August 23, 2006 8:39:18 AM
To: Richard Harris (
Please note that you had left me a voice mail with no telephone number. Also 
please be advised that we do not process complaints by e-mail.Our policy is only
to process complaints received in writing by regular mail or fax. If you
have corresponded by regular mail I will respond by mail. If you intend to
file a complaint please do so in writing and either mail or fax it to us.
(506) 451-1421. Please note that I am not processing the e-mails
you forwarded to me.

Thank you.

Shirley C. MacLean
Registrar of Complaints

To:; Shirley MacLean
Subject: FW: RE: HELP

I talked to you today and I would like for you to get back to me as soon as
you can so I can make plans to move on and go out west if I pass my stress
test for August 29 so I can keep my license.
And also Mr. Goodwin had a background report in his draft report which I
intern made my own up and gave it to my lawyer in February 2005, so they
would know about some of my background. In this background report the date
of the meeting with Heather Pugh was in this background report. The date
was February 13, 1997, but remember the applicants lawyers were the ones who
put this memo that wasn't on the government and John Raymond document list.
I told my lawyer that I wanted Goodwin's action. I wanted Mr. Goodwin's
statement of claim on my document list and not on the respondents list, but
this is not what went on. I believe I have been told to go to the Law
Society for different reasons. Will the Law Society get my documents back
from my lawyers in Nova Scotia, because I will probably need these documents
to carry on. Besides that, what reason does the lawyers have to keep my
documents if they don't want to change their internal memos. Keeping the
documents is a good way for the lawyers to protect themselves against the
Law Society.

They can make memos up anytime they decide to.

Richard Harris

>From: "Richard Harris"

>Subject: RE: HELP
>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006

>>To Whom it may Concern:
>> I started an action between W.H. Goodwin April 7th 2004. Why? Because
>>there would be a
>>limitation of time. I Had to serve him within at least 6 months. After
>>the Discovery of 2004 on file FC/328/00, The expropriation file, I wanted
>>a court date so I woudn't have to serve Goodwin, but eventually I had to
>>serve Goodwin. The day after Mr. Goodwin was served, I had a court date
>>the same day. The problem is, in this action against Mr Goodwyn, I had
>>been told I am not allowed to represent my company. The biggest losses in
>>the expropriation property case, was in my company's name (HAR contruction
>>LTD) Mr Goodwin has a lawyer, Mr. Cameron, and he has a big insurance
>>company paying his bills. I was forced to change my statement of claim
>>Because of what went on in court on file FC/328/00 Because of the date we
>>typed the survey letter, I was mistaken in the statement of claim. But I
>>wasn't mistaken about the first time I knew the highway was shifted. It
>>was the day I talked to mr Colburn (December 20th). Mr Colburnwho was at
>>the meeting in Oromocto Dec 11th 1996. When this shift was announced it
>>would be taking place. (A shift is a highway alignment. )
>>I need some help hereby a lawyer that will go 50/50 on a lawsuit against
>>Mr. Goodwin. Or help me bring a motion so that I could represent myself as
>>to myself as to this file 92417 canada ltd. et al. V. Bomac Batten Ltd.
>>I cannot afford to work and to keep on going the way I've been doing
>>I also appealed the court case cause I feel that what went on in court
>>would hurt me in this claim against Mr. Goodwin. This is why I appealed
>>it. I have been told the same thing by the appeal court, that I am not
>>aloud to represent my company (H.A.R Construction). So I need to bring a
>>motion to the appeal court to represent my company. I also need to bring a
>>motion to the appeals court and to add some relevant documents that were
>>deliberately left out at the trial. I fell that I do not have a chance to
>>continue without a lawyer being involved and to help me to take the right
>>steps in the process of bringing Mr. Goodwin's actions forward.
>>Also, I believe there should be a claim against my lawyers. And their firm
>>Pattterson Palmer Hunt and Murphy. As you will see, by reading the
>>documents that I will supply you, I have been misled and they have been
>>really negligent in bringing my case forward. I feel that they are wokring
>>with the province and the justince system to really delay me, and to put
>>me on the streets so that I cannot fight for my rights. As you can see on
>>paragraph 3 on Goodwyn's statement of claims on the minumum statement of
>>claim that hasnt been registerd with the court yet, on paragraoh three, my
>>net worth before I bought this property to work with, was over 600,000
>>dollars Canadian. And the evidence that this is really factual, because I
>>had dsocuments to submit on discovery in 2004 which I wanted to probe my
>>net worth so I would at least have the entitlement to put back where I
>>My net worht when this expropriation took place was over 400,000. Today,
>>I feel that I cannot do anything unless I get some money to put me back
>>where I was.
>>After Mr. Goodwyn was served, on August 17th, 2004, I received a letter
>>form Patterson Pamer Hunt & Murpohy, form Mr Dugla (right->) Caldwell. He
>>rights this letter veryfyg he knows about the 9 particulars. That I want
>>added before Dicovery of March 2004.But he's saying in thi letter you sent
>>o Jujhe the 16th, which is improper because I got faxed proof that it was
>>sent before the last Disovery.
>>I woud also like to know, form a lawyer, if it would be possible, to start
>>a brand new action in the Federal court court, against the apparaisal
>>board, the association of appraisers, he appraiser Mr Carter, appraiser mr
>>Goodwyn, the law firm and lawyers and dot and the provinces of new
>>Brunswick. Due to the bad faith dealings with all these people, they have
>>completely destroyed my life. I also feel that Judge Russell's decision
>>was very biased even with the facts that he made his decision on. And the
>>briefings. The settlement conference briefings for one, that was full of
>>misleading information, and the : date for filing post-trial briefs: April
>>11 & 18, 2005 they were mixing the information up so there was no way the
>>judge could even make a fair decision by all parties involved. Because if
>>you take Discovery Transcripts and the particulars, that wad deleted
>>before the case that was , you can see in these discovery transcripts
>>there was a lot of unfactual data that was presented to the judge. And The
>>biggest thing based on the judges decision, as far as I could see. , was
>>mrs Pew's testimony, where she deliberately lied on the stand. If you look
>>at Mr Goodwyn's page 90 of his draft report, you can see that this thing
>>was staged before the court trial even took place. So in other words, I
>>wasted eight year fighting. I don't want to waste no more of my life
>>fighting, unless I've got somebody in my corner.
>>They D.O.T. and the system as buried me in documentation. Also, I have got
>>40 some casette tapes talking to the premiers offices, talking to my
>>lawyers, mainly, and with these 40 some tapes that could be made out as
>>phone memoes that have grossly been misled and deliberately delayed.
>>Note: if you don't want to get really involved, just help me tke care of
>>this matter.
>>Also, Mr Carter's file notes, there was a comment on a listing on a store,
>>written by Mr Carter, I presume, where he had written down the word "Con
>>Artist"and I feel my laeyers D.O.T. has gone to great lengths to make me
>>look like a Con Artist. If you want to see take a look @ McLoed v. N.B.,
>>[2000] N.B.R.(2d) (Supp.) No. 13(TD)
>>my judgement on this case would probably speak for itself. The lawyers and
>>appraisers were all working together, they were all working as one big
>>family. Look at the discovery of 2001 you'll see that Fredericton
>>appraisels did not even have appraisels. If I would have guaranteed mr
>>Goodwyn 70, 000 dollars out of my claim against the province, I believe
>>that this whole thing was set u between the lawyers, Carter and Goodwyn
>>right at the beginning to come out similiar to the above stated case. The
>>difference being that Mr. Goodwyn would have received $70,000 from myself.
>>I wil supply you with the 42 pages that was sent to David Eidt leagla
>>service branch, dated may the 12th, 2006. Whereby in a conversation with
>>mr Eidht later on in the same day, Mr Eidhts was telling me that in tow
>>months time he will have my appeal withdrawn. Or Im going to have to pay
>>12, 000 for transcripts.which I will refuse to spend any more money
>>unless I have a solicitor to help me.
>>Richard Harris
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Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 28, 2008

Some Good old Boys?

Originally uploaded by richardharris100

images landry

Heather Lee Pugh


Douglas Caldwell

A seasoned lawyer who is a recognized authority in expropriation law, Doug Caldwell has over 30 years of providing first-class legal counsel behind him. His main areas of practice are commercial litigation and administrative law. He also plays a key role in the firm's Tax Planning/Commercial Litigation team, and on insurance audits and assignments and in our Construction Law Group. He has authored an extensive list of articles, contributed to legal textbooks and was recently selected to be published in Lexpert, Canada's legal directory as one of Canada's top lawyers. Before Doug's legal career, he had a distinguished career as an Officer for the Royal 22nd Regiment (the "Van Doos") in the Canadian Army.


  • LL.B. (Dalhousie University, 1970)
  • B.A. (Royal Military College, 1963)
  • College Militaire Royal, St. Jean, Que. (1958-1961)
  • Bar Admission: Nova Scotia 1970

Professional Experience

  • Appeared in all Courts and major administrative tribunals in Nova Scotia, the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada, as well as numerous appearances before the Supreme Court of Canada
  • Practice includes significant experience in assessment appeals, construction disputes, securities litigation, income tax appeals, tax fraud and evasion, expropriation, corporate and business disputes, planning and zoning litigation, and school board arbitration
  • Practice includes major multi-party civil litigation, using computerized litigation support systems

Professional Activities and Affiliations

  • Member - Nova Scotia Barristers` Society
  • Chief Commissioner - Nova Scotia Liquor Commission (1996-2001)
  • Director - Colchester-East Hants Education Foundation
  • Member - Ontario Expropriation Association

Lectures and Publications

  • Contributing author to Coates & Waque, "The New Law of Expropriation", Carswell 1994
  • Lecturer Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, Regional Conference, Ottawa, Ont. 1991
  • Regular lecturer on expropriation matters to various interested parties
  • Lecturer on the Law of Tender to the annual meeting of the Nova Scotia Union of Municipalities, Legal Section, 1996
  • Lecturer, Eastern Regional Conference of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1999
  • "Valuation of Special Purpose Industrial Property: Quantifying Economic Obsolescence Using Business Valuation Techniques", co-authored with Brian Keough, CBV, presented at the Eastern Regional Conference of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, Ottawa, 1991
  • Contributing author on expropriation to "The Expert: A Practitioners Guide", Carswell, 1996
  • "Valuing Expropriation/Condemnation Claims", International Business Brokers` Association Journal, Spring Summer 1996
  • "The Law of Tender in Municipal Construction Projects", September 1991; revised October 1996
  • "Professional Discipline - Establishing the Playing Field: The Legislative Framework", February 1996
  • "Expropriations: a Legal and Valuation Perspective", Ontario Expropriation Association, Fall 1999, co-authored with Paula D. Frederick, C.A., C.B.V. Published Ontario Expropriation Association Newsletter Fall 1999
  • "Anticipated Value in Expropriation Compensation Claims of Resource Properties", The Canadian Appraiser, Winter 2000, reprinted in the Ontario Expropriation Association Newsletter Spring 2002
  • "Corporate Governance of Crown Corporations", January, 2000 Refer:
  • Lecturer Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators Atlantic Workshop 2002, "Expert Witness Testimony"
  • "Selection of Discount Rates in Expropriation Matters", presented at the CICBV Atlantic Workshop, Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, June 2004

Office: Truro
Tel: 902-897-2000

Areas of Practice

Administrative law
Civil Litigation
Motor Vehicle Litigation


Originally uploaded by richardharris100

Bio Image -


Col John Logan joined the Canadian Forces through the Regular Officer Training Plan on August 8, 1972 and during the next five years attended College Militaire Royal de Saint Jean and Royal Military College, Kingston. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (History with distinction) and was commissioned in the rank of Lieutenant in May 1977. Upon completion of second language training, he was posted to 3 PPCLI in Esquimalt, B.C. During the next four years, he held various battalion appointments, including Rifle Platoon Commander, Assault Pioneer Platoon Commander, Company Second in Command and Company Operations Officer. In May 1980, he was promoted to the rank of Captain while serving with UNFICYP in Cyprus. In July of 1981 he was posted to 1 CBG HQ Calgary as SO3 Pers.

Col Logan has attended CF Staff School, Toronto and has completed the Officer Professional Development Program and Field Officer Examinations (with distinction). In 1982 he resigned from regular force to pursue a career in law. He transferred to the Primary Reserve in 1983 and joined 1 RNBR, where he commanded B Company from 1983 - 1985. He was promoted to Major on 1 August 1984. In 1985, he graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor degree in Law. In June 1985, he moved to Saint John and assumed the position of SO2 Ops/Trg with WNBMD HQ. He successfully completed MCSC in the summer of 1986. In October 1989 he transferred to 31 (Saint John) Service Battalion where he was employed as the Deputy Commanding Officer. He assumed command of the Unit and was promoted to LCol in February 1991. During his tenure as Commanding Officer, the Unit was judged the best Militia Service Battalion in Canada. In 1994, he relinquished Command of the Unit and assumed duties with Advanced Training at LFAA HQ. He commanded 30 Service Battalion during ARCON 95 and became the Director of Advanced Training and Chief Instructor of MCSC (Tutorial I and II) in September 1997. In 1998 he was appointed Deputy Commander of 37 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters in Moncton. In 2000 Col Logan returned to the position of Director of Advanced Training at LFAA and covers off one of the Directing Staff positions with Land Forces Doctrine and Training Systems. On 21 June 2003, Col Logan assumed command of 37 Canadian Brigade Group. In June 2006 he was appointed Assistant Chief of Staff Operations at LFAA HQ.

Col Logan practiced law with the law firm of Patterson Palmer for fifteen years. He is currently a senior solicitor in the New Brunswick Office of the Attorney General, Legal Services Branch in the Corporate Commercial and Property practice group. He has been extensively involved in the community, holding such positions as Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Command Royal Canadian Legion, Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Branch Army Cadet League, Vice Chairman Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissionaires, Church Warden Trinity Anglican Church, Governor NB/PEI Division Canadian Corp of Commissionaires, Governor Certified General Accountants of New Brunswick and Chairman, Mental Health Review Board.


Le Col John Logan s'enrôle dans les Forces canadiennes dans le cadre du Programme de formation des officiers - Force régulière le 8 août 1972 et, durant les cinq années qui suivent, fréquente le Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean et le Royal Military College à Kingston. Il reçoit un baccalauréat ès arts en histoire (avec distinction) et obtient sa commission au grade de lieutenant en mai 1977. À l'issue d'une formation en langue seconde, il est affecté au 3 PPCLI à Esquimalt (C.-B.) où, pendant quatre ans, il occupe divers postes au sein du Bataillon, dont ceux de commandant de peloton de fusiliers, commandant de peloton de pionniers d'assaut, commandant adjoint de compagnie et officier des opérations de la compagnie. Il est promu au grade de capitaine en mai 1980 durant une période de service auprès de l'UNFICYP à Chypre. En juillet 1981, il est affecté au QG du 1 GBC à Calgary à titre d'OEM3 Pers.

Le Col Logan fréquente l'École d'état-major des FC, suit le Programme de perfectionnement professionnel des officiers et réussit avec distinction les examens des officiers de la FMC. En 1982, il quitte la Force régulière pour poursuivre une carrière en droit. Il entre au service de la Première réserve en 1983 et joint les rangs du 1 RNBR où il commande la compagnie B de 1983 à 1985. Il est promu major le 1er août 1984. Il reçoit un baccalauréat en droit de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick en 1985. Il déménage à Saint John en juin de la même année et assume les fonctions d'OEM2 Ops/Instr au QG du district de la milice de l'ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il suit le CCEM à l'été 1986. En octobre 1989, il passe au 31e (Saint John) Bataillon des services où il occupe le poste de commandant adjoint. Il est nommé commandant de l'unité et promu au grade de lieutenant-colonel en février 1991. Pendant son mandat, l'unité est considérée comme le meilleur bataillon des services de la Milice au Canada. Il remet le commandement de l'unité en 1994 pour occuper un poste au sein de l'équipe de l'instruction avancée au QG SAFT. Il commande le 30e Bataillon des services durant ARCON 95 puis, en septembre 1997, assume les fonctions de Directeur – Instruction avancée et d'instructeur en chef du CCEM (didacticiels I et II). En 1998, il est nommé commandant adjoint du 37e Groupe-brigade du Canada. En 2000, le Col Logan reprend son poste de Directeur – Instruction avancée au SAFT et comble un des postes de directeur de groupe d'étude au sein du Système de la doctrine et de l'instruction de la Force terrestre. Le 21 juin 2003, le Col Logan fut nommé commandant du 37e Groupe-brigade du Canada. En juin 2006, il est nommé chef d'état-major adjoint (Opérations) au QG SAFT.

Le Col Logan pratique le droit avec la société d'avocats Patterson Palmer pendant quinze ans. Il occupe actuellement un poste d'avocat principal au Cabinet du procureur général du Nouveau-Brunswick, Direction des services juridiques, section du droit corporatif, commercial et des biens. Le Col Logan est extrêmement actif au sein de la communauté, occupant divers postes dont ceux de conseiller juridique honoraire de la direction du Nouveau-Brunswick de la Légion royale canadienne, conseiller juridique honoraire de la filiale du Nouveau-Brunswick de la Ligue des cadets de l'Armée, vice-président du Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissionnaires, marguillier de l'église anglicane Trinity, administrateur de la Division du N.-B./I.P.-É. du Corps canadien des commissionnaires, administrateur des Comptables généraux licenciés du Nouveau-Brunswick et président du Comité de révision en santé mentale.

John B.D.Logan boss

John B.D.Logan

Senior Appointments > Senior Officer Biography




Col John Logan joined the Canadian Forces through the Regular Officer Training Plan on August 8, 1972 and during the next five years attended College Militaire Royal de Saint Jean and Royal Military College, Kingston. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (History with distinction) and was commissioned in the rank of Lieutenant in May 1977. Upon completion of second language training, he was posted to 3 PPCLI in Esquimalt, B.C. During the next four years, he held various battalion appointments, including Rifle Platoon Commander, Assault Pioneer Platoon Commander, Company Second in Command and Company Operations Officer. In May 1980, he was promoted to the rank of Captain while serving with UNFICYP in Cyprus. In July of 1981 he was posted to 1 CBG HQ Calgary as SO3 Pers.

Col Logan has attended CF Staff School, Toronto and has completed the Officer Professional Development Program and Field Officer Examinations (with distinction). In 1982 he resigned from regular force to pursue a career in law. He transferred to the Primary Reserve in 1983 and joined 1 RNBR, where he commanded B Company from 1983 - 1985. He was promoted to Major on 1 August 1984. In 1985, he graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor degree in Law. In June 1985, he moved to Saint John and assumed the position of SO2 Ops/Trg with WNBMD HQ. He successfully completed MCSC in the summer of 1986. In October 1989 he transferred to 31 (Saint John) Service Battalion where he was employed as the Deputy Commanding Officer. He assumed command of the Unit and was promoted to LCol in February 1991. During his tenure as Commanding Officer, the Unit was judged the best Militia Service Battalion in Canada. In 1994, he relinquished Command of the Unit and assumed duties with Advanced Training at LFAA HQ. He commanded 30 Service Battalion during ARCON 95 and became the Director of Advanced Training and Chief Instructor of MCSC (Tutorial I and II) in September 1997. In 1998 he was appointed Deputy Commander of 37 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters in Moncton. In 2000 Col Logan returned to the position of Director of Advanced Training at LFAA and covers off one of the Directing Staff positions with Land Forces Doctrine and Training Systems. On 21 June 2003, Col Logan assumed command of 37 Canadian Brigade Group. In June 2006 he was appointed Assistant Chief of Staff Operations at LFAA HQ.

Col Logan practiced law with the law firm of Patterson Palmer for fifteen years. He is currently a senior solicitor in the New Brunswick Office of the Attorney General, Legal Services Branch in the Corporate Commercial and Property practice group. He has been extensively involved in the community, holding such positions as Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Command Royal Canadian Legion, Honorary Solicitor New Brunswick Branch Army Cadet League, Vice Chairman Rothesay Regional Joint Board of Police Commissionaires, Church Warden Trinity Anglican Church, Governor NB/PEI Division Canadian Corp of Commissionaires, Governor Certified General Accountants of New Brunswick and Chairman, Mental Health Review Board.

E-mail from T.J.Burke @gnb,ca.

From: "Burke, T.J. (Hon.) (JUS)"
CC: "Premier Shawn Graham (PO/CPM)"
Subject: FW: i need help i will be cook monday at 1:30 in
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:14:50 -0300

Dear Mr. Harris:

RE: Richard A. Harris et al v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the

Province of New Brunswick as represented by the

Minister of Transportation

Your email of February 20, 2007 to Premier Graham has been referred to me for reply.

You currently have an appeal in the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick from the decision of the Court of Queen’s Bench, dated June 30, 2005 in the above noted matter. The Attorney General is the solicitor of record for the Province of New Brunswick in this appeal, which is referenced in your email to the Premier. All correspondence in relation to this appeal should be forwarded to the attention of David Eidt, solicitor and agent for the Attorney General.

Your email to the Premier also refers to an action which you have commenced against a Mr. Goodwin. I understand from David Eidt that this is Harrison Goodwin, an appraiser. The Province of New Brunswick is not involved in that action and we are therefore unable to comment on it.

Your email complains about the solicitors who represented you in the trial of your claim against the Province and about certain members of the appraisal profession. Mr. Eidt advises me that you are aware that complaints against these persons should be directed to their professional societies or associations. These organizations are responsible for receiving and investigating complaints about the conduct of their members. If appropriate, they have the authority to impose sanctions upon members who are found to be derelict in their duties.

I trust this answers your concerns.

Yours truly,

The Honourable Thomas J. Burke, Q.C.

Attorney General

From: Richard Harris []
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 3:32 PM
To: Premier Shawn Graham (PO/CPM)
Subject: i need help i will be cook monday at 1:30 in

In court Monday at 1:30 the 26 /07 on a motion that my Action on Goodwin more then likely will be gone ? this man took 21,000.thousand from me 8 year ago please help me for i go off the deep end February 16,2007

To David D. Eidt, Esq. Richard Harris Office of the Attorney General 721 Irvine st.#40

670 King Street E3A-3E4

Room 444, Centennial Building

Fredericton New Brunswick


Dear Mr. David Eidt, Esq.

On February 12, 2007 when we were in Court on the matter of the appeal on court file, NO; F/C/328/00, I showed you a letter that I had received, from the Law Society of New Brunswick, it was a letter to Jamie Eddy, from Robert Pineo, where he is updating Mr. Eddy, on my expropriation case files. (No; F/C/328/00), am I correct?

I don’t think they are representing me on the Goodwin matter court file, which was imposed on me because of the expropriation matter. It should have been obvious to the government employee (assuming that they were taking into account my best interests.) that, they would be putting a stop to my self-employment on February 12, 1997.

I hold that since the Appraiser Society of New Brunswick and all the lawyers involved in the expropriation cases at this time were heavily dependent on government contracts and so were not motivated to act in the best interests of the public who were having their lands expropriated. In essence an inherent conflict of interest existed.

The Government gave large amounts of money to set up a contractor company. MRDC, and the Company law firm Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy.

If they ran in to any difficult property owners, they would bully the land owners around until they were forced to quit their claim due to mental exhaustion or financial ruin.

Douglas Young (ex Ottawa Minister, also lawyer of the third biggest Atlantic Canada law firm, also head of MRDC at that time), seems to have operated on a principle tactic of force and control. Many land owners who were financially challenged or poorly educated were at greater risk of being financially savaged. Douglas Caldwell, a NS lawyer, who was and still is working for the same law firm Doug Young is affiliated with advertised that he would not charge for representing the client ascertaining that he was being funded by the expropriation act.

Lawyer Caldwell set up meetings with people that would be or might have been losing Property. (This is how so people were getting hook up with Caldwell.

I suspect MRDC or DOT, must have been giving the names of property owner to the Caldwell,

I think if there were an investigation on this matter you will find out this lawyer handled approximately 70% of the N.B. Expropriation cases.

Mr. Caldwell was telling people at meeting that under the Expropriation Act, he would be paid all legal and expert’s costs. See Attachment January 19, 1998 RETAINER AGREEMENT to Richard Harris. [Atlantic Canada Lawyers]

The Retainer Agreement of two page, that more or less stating the fees and Costs will be the responsibility of the Provincial Government, whether the billings are forwarded directly to the client or through Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy.

On the Second page of the retainer agreements, where the party would sign, it says.

“Should you have any questions regarding our representation of your interests, at any time, do not hesitate to contact us.”

The Clients were unlikely get any letters from the Nova Scotia lawyer until it was be too late to do any good. Letters from the N.S. Lawyer that had Douglas Young’s name on it would be received from the N.S.Lawyer, after they would have signed the contract, or retainer agreement.

By the time most property owners would have found out, that there could be an ethical conflict of interest. Property owners would all ready owe money to the N.S. Lawyer. (Look at there Bill of costs from October 31/97 to January 15, 1998.)

But what is even more importance the date on the Retainer Agreement of January 19/98, is the day this Nova Scotia Lawyer knew for sure I was changing lawyers.

But what is really more important is testimony of the Appraiser Malcolm Carter in court on March of 2005, he said that he turned a subdivision development approach

report of value in to D.O.T. on January, 23, 1998. Also he said he did not know why he did this, because he doesn’t know how to do a subdivision approach to value.

A investigation or inquiry would more then likely show that the Government set the stage for the land taking in 1995, when they incorporated on January 1, 1995, when the province of New Brunswick’s Legislative Assembly passed bill 17, Chapter 108 of provincial legislation; the Act to incorporate the New Brunswick Association of Real Estate Appraisers thereby creating an inherent conflict of interest.

What did this do? It put all the N.B. Appraisers in an organized group, a gang, a group to intimidate property owners.

The Government gives out or controls about 90% of all work for Appraisers.

Now look at one of the top Appraisers of D.O.T. of the N.B. Appraisers gang , Yes it is John S Raymond . He not can only intimidate Property owner but also can intimidate the Appraisers in the Association of Real Estate Appraisers, (if they want Government Work.)

Now the way the legal system is set up by all Lawyers, if you need to changes lawyer you will have to pay the first Lawyer off, before another lawyer will take over your file, thereby preventing the property owner from getting adequate counsel if they find that they are receiving inadequate representation.

The logic here is the public didn’t know that in N.B. you should hire a NB Lawyer when you get in a matter like what I was involved in. (I did not find any of this out until 1999. But I was asking questions to the Government even in the summer of 1998, about the conflict of interest between MRDC, lawyers and the Government.

Why I am saying this is because in August of 2001, having had time to look over the Government documents that was on John S Raymond affidavit list that I received in October of 2000, I discovered he was writing letter to the Law Society of New Brunswick, See attachment. To the N.B. Law Society, July 17, 1998 Dear Mr. Carrier. From planning and Land Management Sincerely John S. Raymond [Assistant Director]. I enclose a copy of a letter, dated May 28, 1998, from Mr. Douglas A. Caldwell (Solicitor with Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy) to the Hon. Sheldon Lee, Minister of Transportation. Mr. Caldwell advised that he is legal council to H.A.R. Construction, and to Richard and Marilyn Harris, Oromocto, N.B.

Now apparently John S.Raymond doesn’t know about Mr. Caldwell doing Expropriation files in NB. Look at this Attachment (M/M/206/96) the McLeod V. N.B. What is really funny here is that Mr. Raymond was not only getting letters from Mr. Caldwell, he was also receiving lots of letters from my New Brunswick Lawyer John B.D. Logan. Was Raymond writing letters to the Law Society also on the McLeod case, or would this letter have soon thing to do with the Pleading of May 28, 1998, or with what Richard turned in on February 24, 1998. That ended up as an exhibit, NO; 14 from Discovery of 2001.

Today is Monday 19, 2007 and I won’t have any more time to work on this letter.

I just faxed a six pages motion to Mr. Goodwin Lawyer. Hugh J. Cameron and not 25 min past and there was a S.A.Deliveries agent at my door, giving me a sign for Letter. Attachment Stewart McKinley Re; Court File No; F/C/187/04.

But I will say this, before the trial in March of 2005; I faxed a copy of the Action of Goodwin to Robert Pineo and Caldwell, instructing the Lawyers to enter this as a tab on the applicant’s Exhibit book list. (Fact this ended up on the respondent Exhibit book in trial)

I faxed this action on Mr. Goodwin and along also a 13 pages background report that I prepared for the Lawyer, my ex-lawyers or the lawyers that I did not have fighting for my Company or self at the trial in March of 2005. I told the lawyers Mr.Pineo, Mr.Eddy, and Mr. Caldwell that I had requested the Goodwin Action that was served on him in June of 2004 be entered by my law firm’s lawyers. That now the motion on this file number F/C/187/04 set to be heard on February 26/07. I should have had my files back by now. Is it only circumstancial that there was a status hearing on February 12/07 and now there a motion hearing set for the 26/07 as well.

So I am presuming that Jamie Eddy is or was my New Brunswick Lawyer. Is Robert Pineo, sending out Letter to Mr. Eddy? I guest I must be right. I’ll have you to know that on August 29, 2005, I took a heart attack and ended up having Heart Surgery. Now I was not allowed to do any thing, on doctor’s orders till the end of December of 2005, I also would have to move on December of 2005, due to these circumstances. I was telling my room house land lord that I would be moving out west, before I took the Heart attack, to be closer to my grand daughter and daughter Aimee. I had no intention of taking the money of Judge Russell Decision of June 3, 2005. Then I found out what I would be getting back on my costs and out of pocket expenses. This time in November of 2005, I was being forced to change my mind due to the stress of Surgery with no driver license and my landlady all ready had my room rented out for the month of December, to a person that would be there for two years. I was now being forced to try to get the money, I was very distressed and unhappy that under the circumstances I found my self in, that I would have to seek money from Russell Decision.

Now in order to get payment from the Lawyers, they were telling me that I would have to signs paper for then, to give to the Government. Before they would send the money from N.S. At first they sent out the paper an advice me to sign and return them to their office in N.S., before I would see the cheque. I informed them then that I would not be signing any paper for them on less than the money that was to be released to me the same time. This took about two weeks to come about. (I did not think they would give up the money.)

On or about November 2/05 my NB lawyer Jamie Eddy had a call put to me telling me that they have a cheque for us my son and my self.

On or about November 4, 2005 we went to the Fredericton office of Patterson Palmer Law office for a meeting with Jamie C.Eddy. Now at this Meeting Mr. Eddy had us to sign Affidavit of Execution of Release of funds.

See 9 pages of Attachment:

Now there was also a letter to your Attention: Mr. David Eidt that was already in advance of our Meeting with Mr. Eddy, as you can see by the letter head on this Letter to you the law Firm that represents us was Patterson Palmer law, and the lawyer in NB was at this time, was Jamie Eddy, that would have us sign these paper of Release. (It was not Douglas Caldwell or Robert Pineo.)

This brings us to the question if they had no intention to put in Documents of Cost for Payment of Costs and Disbursements, to be assessed by the court if necessary.

Then my files should of have been returned on this day of November 4 by Mr. Eddy.

Now in the matter of the appeal. Now Mr. Eddy being our N.B. lawyer should have known quite well if his Client, (in the case of Richard A. Harris), the results of the appeal initiated by him in the Court of Appeal, would necessitate that He would need his files as quickly as possible.

On or about September 14, 2006, I made a request to Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy and Patterson Palmer Law, Firm. Requesting my total files as referred to the letter to Jamie Eddy, (see letters to Caldwell of 2005 and 2006)

See Attachment of nine pages of release Document of November 4/05

See Attachment of Letter. September 14, 2006.

Robert Pineo is talking about two issues in this email letter to Jamie C.Eddy.

The first Issue is the Taxation of their bill of Costs only. I’ll have you know

that I don’t accept this as being Legal, as you are well aware as I am, I am entitled as being the owner to costs as well.

I will need at least three months to do this case once I have my files returned.

Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs, he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006 that I was not aware of, until I received this letter from the Law Society. He is saying this is his Affidavit, there is a law under the Expropriation Act (o.c.84-46) requiring an affidavit order to be filed for the owner to get paid accordingly to this case.

Now Mr.Eidt I have informed you a number of times about this Court File: File No.: M/M/206/96

McLeod V. New Brunswick (province) now here we got a Case with all most all the same people involved. They are John S Raymond, Douglas Caldwell, a Government Lawyer, the appraiser Goodwin, testimony’s of Mac Carter on Jim McDonald reports that was done in 2000,

There were all most the same circumstances going on. This is evidentiary of an ongoing pattern of of landowners being strongarmed.

But what became more importance at this time is the Goodwin Matter of the up coming motion set for February 26,2007 that Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs, he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006, that I was not aware of, on till I received this latter from the Law Society.

Now you said to me in Court on February, 12, 2007 that you would give me a copy of this Affidavit. I would like a copy before February 22, 2007 as more then likely

I will need it on this Motion of the 26, day of February 2007.

I would like to bring this to your attention that the Goodwin Action would have not come to be if I was not in this land dispute. Now at Discovery of September 11, 2001 Mr. Caldwell said he would be entering the Goodwin Bill to the Government as well. I don’t believed this has been done. So I will be entering his costs along with mine as soon as I get my file back. Plus all the rest of my neverending costs that go on daily. Do to all matter of the loss of my self-employment.

This loss started on or about February 12, 1997. As of today February, 19, /07 this is over 10 years of outright abuse to a person. This pattern of delay is abuse in it self.

Robert Pineo said in this Attachment Email of October 25, 2006 that I presumed him talking about you? Counsel has agreed not to pursue the taxation until such time as the Court delivers its decisions on four pending taxations.

Am I allowed to know who these people are in Robert Pineo’s letter, as it looks like they also had a lot difficulty?

Now Mr.Pineo goes on to say that one of these cases is factually similar to the Harris case, and on a decision to act as precedent. Well I hope that there was no successful negotiations on their bill yet, as I have not even got my files back.

I think for sure I would have the right to know who this person is, that you know my ex lawyers are justifying there $212,359.86 bill of Costs on this File.

Mr. Pineo said the Second Issue is the return of the file to Mr. Harris.

Here a Question that I would like you to answer why is he tacking on an undertaken to Vet my File before returning it to the Client or to my self. Can you not see that there is something wrong here?

Well on the 26, day of February 2007 Robert Pineo now has been at vetting my Files for over four months now. Maybe this got a lot to do with the Goodwin matter that flowed from these four parcels of property being expropriated.

Three parcels, there would not even be marketable in size and shapes.

It is 5pm and I got to try to get ready for the Motion,

Your truly ___________________ _____________________

Richard Harris. February 19,2.007.