Saturday, September 19, 2009

Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland

I am sending this e-mail to everyone to have them forward it on to the 6 people listed below and get your friends to e-mail it as well. The 6 e-mail addresses are supplied. We need to get justice for this family so the more letters they receive the better. Thank you.
To: Louise Arbour, High Commissioner for Canada, United Nations Human Rights Commission
To: The Right Hon. Madam Chief Justice of Canada, Beverley McLachlin, P.C.
Carbon copy it to Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper
Carbon copy it to Hon. Robert Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Carbon copy it to Tom Marshall, Minister of Justice for Newfoundland
Carbon copy it to The Right Hon. Madam Chief Justice of Canada, Beverley McLachlin, P.C.
Carbon copy it to Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland

Byron Prior's family was destroyed as young children by Incest, Child Rape and Abuse of every kind in a small town of 2500 people in Newfoundland, Canada. Supreme Court Judges, Politicians and RCMP are involved.

Byron has 50 years of being deprived justice in Newfoundland and has now been sentenced to the Waterford Mental Hospital in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The court ordered him to have a psychiatric assessment done with Dr. David Craig. The assessment lasted for 55 minutes and then Dr. Craig wrote a report to the court saying Byron was delusional. A group from British Columbia, Canada paid for his trip to Toronto, Ontario, Canada for 2 weeks of medical tests and examinations with five different Psychologists and neither of whom found him delusional.

Byron has been tied up in the Newfoundland Court System since 1998 until July 20, 2009, when he was just sentenced, because he reported the people who abused him and his family. Politicians names and faces change but the Corruption continues to rule our country. He spent 7 months in 2006 in Ottawa, Ontario on Parliament Hill, with permits, handing out information sheets about what happened to his family and still no one has resolved this great INJUSTICE.

All Byron Prior is asking for, as proof of whether or not Mr. T. Alex Hickman, Retired Chief Justice, is the father of his sister's child, is a DNA test. Most any innocent individual would prefer to submit a simple saliva swab rather than to testify in court. The fact that T. Alex Hickman did not volunteer such a simple method of proof raises the question - why not? It appears to us the answer could be because he didn't know if he was the father or not and was afraid to find out. It's also possible he knew his friend Justice David Orr would shield him from harms way and throw Byron to the dogs. The fact that Justice Orr did not order the saliva swab from Mr. T. Alex Hickman might be because he reasoned that if T. Alex Hickman didn't volunteer it he could very well be guilty, in which case T. Alex Hickman could not be saved.

Byron was arrested on May 29, 2008. He is alleged to have published a defamatory libel.

The trial started on February 02/09 in Provincial Court, St. John's, Newfoundland with Judge David Orr and the victim, Byron, was further persecuted for telling the truth and this system will protect the criminal, Alex Hickman. Byron's Government appointed lawyer told him she won't even ask for a DNA test to prove the TRUTH. Once again Newfoundland courts will knowingly convict the wrong person.
The court continued over the months and was concluded on July 20, 2009 with Judge Orr making no disposition at that time. Byron is remanded in custody to the Waterford Mental Hospital pending a disposition by the review board. There was a hearing scheduled for September 01, 2009 at the Waterford Hospital but was postponed until October 06, 2009 because they didn't have a report from Dr. Lynch, the Psychiatrist who is suppose to be assessing Byron. She has been on vacation for the past 2 weeks and she didn't see him before she went. Byron only found out about this doctor last week, he thought Dr. Ladha was doing the assessments. He has been appointed a lawyer from Mental Health Project and Court Support Services to represent him.

On Sept. 15, 2009, in a meeting with Dr. Lynch and Dena Orr, Byron was told by Dr. Lynch that she was asked to take his case because one summer he worked at the Yacht Club and met Dr. Ladha's 2 sons putting their sailboat in and out of the water with the cranes. Dr. Ladha asked to have Dr. Lynch do his assessment so there would be no conflict of interest.

Byron asked if Dena Orr could be excused from his assessments because of conflict of interest and it was refused. She is the wife of Judge David Orr, the judge who sent Byron to that hospital. She said she is a professional with ethics and he should respect that. Obviously her standards aren't as high as Dr. Ladha's.

Byron is being further abused and persecuted by the Newfoundland Legal System and Politics. He says that the staff at the Waterford are constantly trying to provoke him to get him to act out so they will have something on him in order to keep him in for an extended sentence.

He needs help. No one in Newfoundland will represent him and the last lawyer he asked told him, "If any lawyer in Newfoundland represents you, it will be the last job they have in this province."

A simple DNA test would see Justice served and prove Byron's allegations. The system protects the Criminals and itself, not the public or victims. Rather than rely on the findings of officials who are friends of former Justice T. Alex Hickman, we believe a simple DNA test of Mr. Hickman would be more accurate, quicker, cheaper and less stressful for all involved as was suggested by Byron in the beginning. Just a saliva smear is not that hard to do is it????

To understand why Byron Prior and his family cannot get justice in this province please check the websites and You Tube listed below.

There are three attachments with this e-mail.

Thank you.

Audrey Prior

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