Saturday, December 23, 2006

Frank ,Liberals, Lord Tools Feeds

From Charles blog Let keep thing Right>
he’s saying? The Lord Government force him to accept a deal to sell his land at a lower price for a new Four Lane Highway. Judge RUssell Was the one the Government use, he know about the NS lawyer Caldwell and Goodwin ? give me a break Russell is God,or think he is.? if i deside to make Justices. play god, ? do you think any one cares about anyones about anyone.I don’t know the whole details so maybe Richard could write a few issues in this blog? Who knows?
Charles it was not the Lord Government that started this fight to have a life .It was Frank Liberals that was in powers back then. Now the biggest Issuse to day 10 year latter is i have no dreams left,?i would like to be out west with my grand Daughter and Daughter Aimee , >? But I seized here , not in less i give up on the law suits"s The other way i could move on with my lift is to get a lawyer >.
Issuse (1) It doz not look like any other lawyer want to be Invouled in these Matters Next time
you talk to Harold ask him y he think i can 't get a lawyer and he will probley tell you that Law system's is gear up if a lawyer was to help me .
he would be Ruined in the future , now look at my blog ,Look what took place in Court,there
was no mida reporter in my court case, ? if it was not for Cbc news i think you would be behind bar, do you know how many Constitution rights i loss.

one is every Citizen of Canada has the right to move to and take up residence in any Province.?
To Pursue a gaining of a livelihood in any province, ??? 10, years seized in march 2007/? so maybe you can shed some light on these Issues Do you know that they Will set out to brake you down to give up on lift, ? rule of Court ? do you know that the lawyer will not give me back my file, dozes this not seized me.? if i don "t have a lawyer the land was. That I loss 9 building lots and was only paid $ 2,700. dollars for, buy JUDGE Russell ? Where could you even get one Lot anyware in NB @ $2,7oo hundred Dollars.?
this land was in the name of my compety H.A.R. construction name ? so to the Appeal Court it look like a Joke,??????? see what i mean ? if i say to muck about the X lawyers before i get back my File ??? they will cover there track ?? with meno or AFFIDAVIT ?
: i know now that Affidavit is knotting but pleading,,,,Meno are Evidence to back up Affidavit do u see what i mean,here, ? this is why my 10 bankers boxes of file are in NS, The life seizeding games
The Government use the Tax Payers Money and my tax Dollars to Seized you till you give Up, or Die,
My Right to get Information to proved that Heather Pughs lie in Court About a meeting with me.
LOOK what go on now ? your Investigtion : NS police My Was Lawyers Of NS,yours==I think Attoney General office of NB, My was NB law Society To get File Back.? Did the Police do Rong,? Did NB Lawyers do Rong?
When will you Know,?Why would they lets you Know If i get Back my File ? less chanch for
NS Lawyers to be Paid by NB tax payers
How long will you be seized from knowing. How long befor I will See the NS Lawyers
Affidavit that was part of there Bill of Costs.
This is what I think if NS police find NB Police Rong.? NB Law Society All ready Letter Me
If you get A Lawyers and Go all the way to Court, More or less side they are not
The NB Taxpayer will be Giving so Lawyer Money.? Getting my File Back. ? what
Look what this Law Case will Costs, Then the Judge is the Law Society JOB?
may say you are on income ,so you had no loss.? This is what happen at my Trial
Logice here is that N.B tax payers will Say you are just I did not get any help from 1997
a complainer on welfares, See what i saying here. till February 2001, took heart
The Government Legal System is not Right.? Attack in Oct,1999, after this
was paying $300,.oo per.month for pile
Why Did i seek help in 2001, loss my Work in 1997 in 2001 there was three law Cases on going (1the Bank one) the divorce one The loss of my work of 1997? I did not only lose a wift ? i loss the health plain =$300.per month, Moraga of $900.00 per month and so on.
I ask for assistanie in 1998 but was Told you got RRSP Money ?When that is gone Come and See us. Now in Summer of 1999 i got a Draft Report with a Bill for $70, this was only week after my now X wife told me May 31,99 that she did not love me any more?
ps i got to go to work now talk at you latter,m Charles blog

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