Thursday, June 25, 2009

from Byron Prior to Danny Williams his old lawyer///??

Fw: Danny Williams and the real reasons for his "ABC," (Anything But Conservative), campaign in 2008.‏
From: Offline Byron Prior (
Sent: April 16, 2009 11:02:57 PM
To: Nova (
Cc:; Croft Woodruff (; Andrea Binns (; James Zaretzki (; Paul Perrier (; chris rice (;;; Peace2all (; skshydro (; craig batley (; The Unstoppable Coach Frankie Picasso (; Brasscheck TV (; Janet Cresswell (; Olga Scully (; Robert Cumby (; Love For Life Mailing List (; Stefan Blaschke (;;; barry davis (; Jack Hook (;;; Alex Machidon (;; Phyllis Hollett (; Richard Harris (; Angela Fuson (; Pedersen, Angela \(Equal Parenting Cycle Trek - US\) (; Rini Brown (; Lori R. Price (;;; Pamela Farnsworth (;; Preckel (; Sara Frahm (; Derrick Robinson (

Attachments: 13 attachments

firstminc...jpg (16.8 KB), titlephot...jpg (49.3 KB), firstmin_...jpg (6.0 KB), Oppal Nov...pdf (107.4 KB), Hamilton ...pdf (365.6 KB), CASP06-Co...pdf (1071.0 KB), Linda Mag...jpg (149.6 KB), Olanzapin...pdf (31.9 KB), Trevor Yo...pdf (50.6 KB), CCE00007.jpg (201.2 KB), 2006-05-1...jpg (26.9 KB), prior_no_...jpg (17.3 KB), Letter to...mht (2.8 MB)

Dear Danny,
I am quite sure that you would not want your friends and enemies in Newfoundland and Labrador and the rest of Canada remain in the dark about the real reasons for your "ABC," (Anything But Conservative), campaign in 2008, nor should you want them to remain ignorant about real reasons why you decided to prosecute Byron Prior and lately contract well tested Dr. David Craig to eliminate Byron Prior at the psych ward of Waterford Hospital.
Lets start with the timeline:
1. Tim Marshall was elected NL legislature and appointment to Cabinet in 2003 as a Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Newfoundland and Labrador, see; Now we know, that this appointment opened the door for Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall to seek justice for sexual abuse at the hands of Alex T. Hickman. (Burin where she grew up and Grand Banks where Priors grew up are very geographically so it is safe to assume that Hickman was operating in Burin as well.)
2. Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall died July 6, 2004, the same day she was discharged from the Health Sciences Centre's psychiatric unit in St. John's by Dr. David Craig, see: Now we know that Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall was killed thru skilful application of "psychodrugs pump and dump" pseudo medical procedure in a contract murder that was most likely arranged by Alex T. Hickman.
3. In September 2004, you Danny attend at First Minister's Conference to Fix Healthcare for a Generation (see: attachment and, and that Paul Martin arranged in order to cover up mass murder of the Inuit of Baffin Island during so called "Canadian Zyprexa Experiment. You Danny, knew that Paul Martin was up against the wall so between September of 2004 and January of 2005 you have cranked up Marshall family of Newfoundland in order for them to make noise in Ottawa about Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall's murder and scare Paul Martin so you could shake Paul Martin down for 2.6 billion dollars in a deal that was signed in late January of 2005 see:
4. Now we know that you never told Marshall's what the real deal was and as soon as you made your deal with Paul Martin you started to back-pedal on criminal prosecution of Dr. David Craig.
5. Federal liberals lost their grip on power in January of 2006, see;,_2006
6. In April of 2006 Byron Prior went to Ottawa and started to demonstrate in front of Canadian Parliament, see;

7. In early May of 2006 Norman Doyle Conservative MP from Newfoundland spoke to Byron Prior, in front of Parliament Building, took his papers and promised Byron that he will hand deliver them to the new Minister of Justice Vic Toews, see; and He came back to Byron later in a day to tell him that he hand delivered these papers and left them on Vic Toews' desk.

8. On May 15, 2006 Byron Prior was approached by Tim Marshall than sitting Minister of Justice for Newfoundland and Labrador and four other men from Newfoundland and Labrador Ministry of Justice. They encouraged Byron Prior to keep up his fight for justice, see; Now we know that Marshall family had their own score to settle with Alex T. Hickman over the contract murder of Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall. Now we also know that Tim Marshall who met Byron Prior in Ottawa held a meeting with federal officials in Justice department in Ottawa in May 2006 discussing not only Byron Prior's case but also contract murder of Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall in 2004 arranged by Alex T. Hickman.

9. After Tim Marshall went back to St. John's he put a lot of pressure on you Danny to have Hickman prosecuted for abuse of Prior family. He in fact was a part of coalition to have you turfed out Danny as you were so stupid to screw Loyola Sullivan's daughter who at the time was going out with your own son.

10. You Danny would not take it without a fight so in June 2006, you started a war in Newfoundland Legislature accusing Ed Byrne and others politicians of corruption, and you forced Ed Byrne out of your cabinet see;

11. By December of 2006 you have successfully managed to quell that rebellion by forcing Loyola Sullivan to quit politics and by moving Tim Marshall out of Minister of Justice portfolio into finance. see:

12. I January of 2007 you nominated your flunkies Tom Osborne, who was not even a lawyer as new Minister of Justice of Newfoundland and Labrador, see:

13. In January of 2007 CBC published information that Alfred Marshall filed a civil lawsuit against Dr. David Craig and the Waterford Hospital see:

14. After October 2007 elections, you Danny, nominated your buddy from your old law firm Jerome Kennedy, Q.C. as a Justice Minister to keep lid on things, see;

15. "ABC," (Anything But Conservative), campaign in 2008, that you waged in fall of 2008 had nothing to with your alleged dislike of Stephen Harper or his policies toward Newfoundland and Labrador, it was a plain retaliation for Norman Doyle starting a coup against you Danny in May 2006 that had to quelled by you by selectively exposing and selectively prosecuting corruption of your political opponents. You knew that in case CPC gains a majority they will retaliate against you. Your "ABC" effort was successful enough that Harper never got the majority in October 14, 2008 elections but he nevertheless scared you by winning more seats than you expected so in order to mend fences with Harper right after federal elections you shuffled your cabinet on October 30, 2008 and you put Tim Marshall back into Justice Minister position.

All of it was nice and good Danny but now it seems that the political climate has changed quite dramatically and it seems to me at least that you might fall a victim of your own sword. Your fingers are all over the cover-up of Dr. Mary-Anne Marshall's murder and worse still they are all over Byron Prior prosecution.

Your minion Justice Orr who got appointed to the judicial bench for his various services in support of drug traffickers in NL already said in court that he found Byron Prior guilty. Your other minion and contract murderer Dr. David Craig already said in court that he recommends locking Byron Prior in psycho ward of Waterford Hospital and he also recommends pumping Byron with Pimozide (orap) see:

Danny, if your goons do what they said in court that they will, do you honestly believe that you will get away with all of that??

Canadian justice system has many of their own problems that they have to cope with and covering up for child rapist and murderer is not something that they can afford at the moment, especially now when they can throw old Hickman and you Danny under the wagon and score badly needed brownie points with Stephen Harper who will be around for a long time.


Karol Karolak P. Eng.

Subject: Letter to Hon. Gordon Campbell regarding Dr. Lionel Trevor Young

From Karol Karolak P. Eng.
To: Premier of BC the Honourable Gordon Campbell
Jan. 3, 2009
Dear Mr. Campbell,
Over last couple of days I have emailed you copies of numerous documents regarding a psychopath and suspected mass murderer disguised as a prominent Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Lionel Trevor Young.
Over a year ago I have sent copies of selected documents from my "Zyprexa Experiment File" to the University of British Columbia, Chief Constable of Vancouver Police, and to your parliamentary colleague Hon. Wally Opal, Attorney General of British Columbia. You can see a copy of a letter that I wrote to Hon. Wally Opal, below and you can see copy of his response in attachments.
This head in the sand attitude that was shown by your parliamentary colleague Wally Opal is quite shocking, even more shocking is the fact that despite of my warning your another parliamentary colleague Hon. George Abbott decided to rely on Dr. Trevor Young's "expertise" in drafting changes to BC Mental Health Act. See:
I just wish that your parliamentary colleague Wally Opal exercised his due diligence and was somehow fooled by the homosexuals running Ontario Ministry of Attorney General into believing that I am some kind of a crank who makes up some baseless accusations against prominent member of Canadian medical community.
On a surface of things the truth of the matter seems much more sinister than I have ever anticipated. It seems that my warning about Dr. Trevor Young was taken as a letter of recommendation by wanna be criminals disguised as BC parliamentarians. It seems that Dr. Trevor Young advertised to Hon. George Abbott his inside track with pharmaceutical companies and dangled in front of him prospects of millions and millions of dollars in research grants that could flow into the coffers of University of British Columbia and into the back pockets of BC politicians in exchange for turning financial liability that BC homeless present for BC government into a financial windfall.
All that could be accomplished if the BC government were to cooperate in turning BC homeless into Guinea Pigs of pharmaceutical industry.
This is very similar pattern that was used elsewhere. In early 1990ties Department of Psychiatry of the University of Toronto was on a forefront of medical research, Dr. Eric Hood another psychopath disguised as prominent Toronto psychiatrist was put in charge of psychiatric outreach program helping "poor Inuit' cope with their own mental problems.see ;
According to his own CV Dr Eric Hood conducted secret and never published research into Suicidal Ideation and Behaviour in Eastern Arctic Population.
Prior to U of T involvement Inuit suffered high suicide rates but that was nothing compared to what they suffered as a result of help provided to them by Toronto psychiatrists, see;
Dr. Cornelia Wieman shows these results quite graphically (see attachment). She reports unusually high suicide rates in Baffin area. It is quite obvious that suicide rates among Inuit decrease proportional to distance to Baffin Regional Hospital. Dr. Wieman also shows steady increase of suicide rates from 6 in 1991 to 37 in 2003.
Year 1991 is significant in marking start of experiments with Zyprexa and start of Dr. Eric Hood's involvement with the Inuit.
Choice of a young psychiatrist Dr. Lionel Trevor Young from McMaster University, in Hamilton Ontario, who at the time conducted animal research (drowning test) on mice and rats, to be involved in U of T psychiatric outreach program at Baffin Island was not in any way shape or form accidental.
Drug induced suicides among Inuit due to drowning, still unaccounted for in suicide statistics, that Dr. Young observed during his stay at Baffin Island might have given Dr. Lionel Trevor Young an idea how to determine how depressed his mice and rats were, when he back to his McMaster University Lab.
It seems to me that illicit drug users and homeless people of BC are yet another population that shows increased suicide rates that could be significantly increased by Dr. Lionel Trevor Young intervention.
Considering the fact that you Sir were present in Ottawa in September of 2004, considering the fact that you were informed of Zyprexa Experiment and mass murder of Inuit during televised Premier's Conference on Fixing Healthcare for a Generation, considering the fact that the moment that the documents that I faxed you regarding mass murders of the Inuit was captured by the CBC cameras and broadcasted to all Canadian who cared to watch. Considering the fact that prior to that televised conference ex-Prime Minister of Canada Right Hon. Paul Martin asked you and all the other Premiers to prepare and deliver a speech about how Canadian government cares about health and well being of Native people of Canada and considering the fact during that televised conference ex-Prime Minister of Canada Right Hon. Paul Martin publicly offered Native people of Canada 800 million dollars to fix their healthcare, there is no way that you Sir can now claim ignorance and acting with good intentions.
Same goes for your dear friend and colleague Hon. Dalton McGuinty who was also knew as he was also present at that conference and did everything he could to cover up Zyprexa Experiment fiasco at Baffin Island and same practices at CAMH. His goons also did everything they could to cover up attempted murder of famous Canadian Mezzo Soprano Ms. Linda Maguire.

Prime Minister Paul Martin chats with Quebec Premier Jean Charest as Premiers Dalton McGuinty (left) of Ontario and British Columbia's Gordon Campbell chat in the background during a break in the First Ministers Conference on Health in Ottawa Tuesday Sept 14, 2004.(CP PHOTO/Tom Hanson)
Dear, Mr. Campbell, it is not the first time that BC serves as a dumping ground for Ontario criminals. see;
I would hate to learn that your friendship with Hon. Dalton McGuinty ruined your political career.
Karol Karolak P. Eng.
Subject: Letter to Hon. Wally Oppal, Q.C. regarding Dr. Lionel Trevor Young

Karol Karolak P. Eng.

1003 – 3125 Queen Frederica Drive

Mississauga, Ont. L4Y 3A6

Phone (905) 804 9564,


August 4, 2007.

Hon. Wally Oppal, Q.C.

Attorney General of British Columbia

PO Box 9044
Victoria BC
V8W 9E2

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to you just to give you a fair warning. In not so distant future you might have on your hands a problem so big that it would make current Picton’s Trial into a child’s play by comparison. The name of your potential problem is newly appointed;

Dr. Lionel Trevor Young

Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry

University of British Columbia
Department of Psychiatry
2255 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 2A1

If you would like to know of a magnitude of your potential problem you might wish to consult with your colleague the Honourable Gordon Campbell, BC Premier, and ask him about Premier’s Conference held in Ottawa in September of 2004. At that time our ex-Prime Minister the Right Hon. Paul Martin Jr. made an attempt to defuse brewing scandal involving Dr. Eric Hood and Inuit of Baffin Island by organising televised Conference on “Fixing a Healthcare for a Generation” and offering to spend 800 million dollars to improve healthcare of Canadian Inuit population. I just happen to break up that farce by leaking relevant documents to Premiers of all provinces.

Premier Campbell most probably could tell you some juicy details about a very memorable dinner, which was held following day two of that Conference at 24 Sussex Drive, and lasted until 3:00 am.

I am sending you copies of relevant documents regarding Drs, Trevor Young and Eric Hood.


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