Friday, February 23, 2007

Lawyer Douglas

721 Irvine St. Apt 40

Fredericton, NB E3A 3E4

506 460-8099 Home

506 260 7960 Cell



Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society


Richard Harris


902 429- 4869



902 422 1491


February 22, 2007


fileNo.100/05/CA and, Court File No. F/C/187/04 F/C/328/00


Urgent For Review Please Comment Please Reply Please Recycle

To Whom It May Concern: on or about February 8-2005 ,nine day be for a Settlement hearing on the 17 day of February 2005 .I fax a 13,pages Documents of the Action on Mr. Goodwin file F/C/187/04 to Robert H. Pineo. I was requesting that all facts relating to expenses incurred be included in the settlement Conference Brief.

Also told him after the hearing on February 17, 2005 to 13 pages Action on Mr. Goodwin to be entered on the Plaintiff or my documents side for trial.

But in Court on March 7, 2005 these Documents of Action ended up as a Respondent Documents, tab List.

There was a Phone Call with Robert Pineo after March of 2005 about the up coming Decision ,now he said by us putting in the 13,pages documents could bit me in the ass, so he must of know back then how the Judge would affect the Goodwin matter. In other words they must of Disgust the matter... (Now I was forced by the province to get a Appraisal ) and again by Mr. Caldwell,to get yet another Appraisal before I could get to court. Babineau Appraisers. Put my loss under Section 45 (a) of the Expropriation Act, as far as I know,?

Attachment ,1. Email from Mr.Pineo to Jamie Eddy, of October 25,2006.

Attachment 2. is a Email from a Lawyer to my Self August 8,2006.

Attachment 3. is a Letter to who it May Concern: dated February 22, 2007 ,from Richard Harris.

Be in COURT MONDAY AT ! 1.30 Fredericton Queens: street. hope to see some people there.

To Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

To Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society February 22,2007

To whom it may concern:

I have filed complaints in New Brunswick about the return of my files and documents on a lawyer in New Brunswick and now wish to do so against two Nova Scotia lawyers as well.

I am not a lawyer, but I have to appear in court on Monday 26, February 2007 on a motion that has come about regarding an expropriation case that a decision was handed down upon on June 3, 2005. I will send you an attachment of a letter that I have received from the New Brunswick Law Society, dated October 25, 2006. This emailed letter is from a Robert Pineo to my NB lawyer, James Eddy. Since then more than 90 days have passed. Obviously Mr. Pineo and Mr. Douglas Caldwell would know that with my own appeal of File: F/C/328/00 and the action on the Goodwin matter File: F/C/ 187/04 requires that I would need my files and documents back immediately. They have moved these files to Nova Scotia without my knowledge. When I went to Fredericton to look at what was in my files in May of 2004, because other lawyers had requested me to do an undertaking, Mr. Eddy informed me the NS lawyer Doug Caldwell had moved to his office in NS. I asked Mr. Eddy to show me what he had there, he produced 2 file folders which I was allowed to view in a private room. When I was looking through these files I came upon an email memo which basically instructions directing the removal of my documents to the Truro office to make it more difficult for Richard (myself) to see them. I asked Mr. Eddy what was up with this and he grabbed the documents from me and said that that memo should not have been there. When challenged, he said those files are the property of Mr. Eddy. I was very upset and left the office. I called him up the next day and left a message on his answering machine requesting a copy of the memo that I had viewed, but never received one. Now the defense might be successful because I cannot obtain the files and documents necessary to back my claim. I am at a loss for what further to do. I am pleading for you to intervene and have my files returned to me as there are many documents in the files pertinent to the Goodwin matter File: F/C/ 187/ 04.

Yours truly,


Richard Harris

February 22, 2007

P.S. My phone number is 1-506-460-8099 and my cell # is 1-506-260-7960.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

To the Government &Ombudsman of N.B.


February 16,2007

To David D. Eidt, Esq. Richard Harris Office of the Attorney General 721 Irvine st.#40

670 King Street E3A-3E4

Room 444, Centennial Building

Fredericton New Brunswick


Dear Mr. David Eidt,Esq.

On February 12, 2007 when we were in Court on the matter of the Appeal on court file, NO; F/C/328/00

I showed you a letter that I received, from the Law Society of New Brunswick,

A letter to Jamie Eddy, from Robert Pineo, where he is updating him, Mr Eddy, on my Expropriation Case files. ? (No; F/C/328/00), am I not right here.

As I don’t think they are respecting me on the Goodwin matter Court file:.

That was put on me because of an Expropriation Matter. That the Government Employee knew willy-nilly, that, they would be putting a stop to my self Employment on February 12, 1997.

In 1997 under a Lawyer Frank McKinnon Liberal Government, Who would Obvious know the rules of Court, and the Circumstance of this Law firm, being Atlantic wide law firm, could be Occasion with N.S. lawyer. That could occur a happening in Expropriation of property for obviously and be staying in the law.

The Government could give larges amount of Money to there set up Contractor Compety. MRDC. And the Compety Law Firm Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy.

If they ran in to any difficult Property owner, they would give up by being bully around.

Douglas Young ex Ottawa Minister also lawyer of the third biggest Atlantic law firm (A disbelieve tactic of force and control)

· Now a lawyer from N.S. With some little propaganda insight on the public about this N.S. lawyer of being one of the best Experts Lawyer in Expropriation of 400 cases or so,

The Lawyer Caldwell was also setting up meeting with people that would be or may be losing Property. (This is how people was getting hook up with the N.S.Lawyer.)?

MRDC or DOT, must have been Giving the name of property owner to the N.S.Lawyers,

I think if there was an investigation on this matter you will find out this lawyer has approxley 70% of the N.B. Expropriation cases.

Mr. Caldwell was telling people at meeting that under the Expropriation Act. The Act, will pay all legal and expert’s costs. (Lawyer Caldwell that I would think will give his entire client base, (a similar two page retainer agreement.) See Attachment January 19, 1998 RETAINER AGREEMENT to Richard Harris. [Atlantic Canada Lawyers]

The Retainer Agreement of two page, that more or less stating the fees and Costs will be the responsibility of the Provincial Government, whether the Billings are forwarded directly to the Client or through Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy.

On the Second page of the retainer agreements where the party would sign. It will say?

Should you have any questions regarding our representation of your Intersts, at any time, do not hesitate to contact us.

The Clients will unlikely get any letters from the Nova Scotia lawyer until it would be too late. Letter from the N.S. Lawyer that would have Douglas Young name on letter from the N.S.Lawyer, until after they would sign the Contract, retainer agreement.

By the time most Property Owner would have found out, that there could be a poetical conflict of interest. Property owner would all ready owe money to the N.S. Lawyer. (Look at there Bill of costs from October 31/97 to January 15, 1998.)

But what even more importance the Date on the Retainer Agreement of January 19/98 the day this Nova Scotia Lawyer knew for sure I was Changing Lawyer.

But what is really more important is testimony of the Appraiser Malcolm Carter in court on March of 2005, he said that he turn a subdivision Development approach

Report to vale in to D.O.T. on January, 23, 1998. Also said he did not know why he did this for because he doesn’t know how to do a subdivision approach to vale.

A investigation or inquire would more then likely show that the Government set the stage for the lands taking in 1995, when they incorporated on January 1,1995 ,when the province of New Brunswick’s Legislative Assembly passed bill 17,Chapter 108 of provincial legislation; the Act to incorporate the New Brunswick Association of Real Estate Appraisers.

What did this do? It put all the N.B. Appraisers in an organized group, a gang, a group to intimidate Property owner.

The Government gives out about or controls about 90% of all work for Appraisers.

Now look at one of the top Appraisers of D.O.T. of the N.B. Appraisers gang ,Yes it is John S Raymond .He not can only intimidate Property owner but also can intimidate the Appraisers in the Association of Real Estate Appraisers, (if they want Government Work.)

Now the way the legal system is set up by all Lawyers, If you need to changes lawyer you will have to paid the first Lawyer off, before another lawyer will take over your file.( the lawyers Association is the LAW SOCIETY ,the Problem is that there a Law Society for each Province,) more Government Tactic in the law,

The Logic here is the public don’t know that in N.B. you should hirer a NB Lawyer until you get in a Matter like that was put on my self. (I would not know any of this till 1999. But I think I was asking question to the Government in the summer of 1998. About the Conflict of Interest between MRDC, Lawyers and the Government.

Why I am saying this is because in August of 2001, and had time to look over the Government documents that was on John S Raymond Affidavit list that I received in October of 2000.

I discover he was writing letter to the Law Society of New Brunswick. See attachment. To the N.B. Law Society, July 17, 1998 Dear Mr. Carrier. From planning and Land Management Sincerely John S. Raymond [Assistant Director]

He said in letter. I enclose a copy of a letter, dated May 28, 1998, from Mr. Douglas A. Caldwell (Solicitor with Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy) to the Hon. Sheldon Lee, Minister of Transportation.

Mr. Caldwell advised that he is legal Council to H.A.R. Construction, and to Richard and Marilyn Harris, Oromocto, N.B.

Now right here it not like John S.Raymond doesn’t know about Mr. Caldwell doing Expropriation files in NB. Look at this Attachment (M/M/206/96) the McLeod V. N.B. What real funny here is that Mr. Raymond was not only getting letter from Mr. Caldwell, he was also receiving loots of Letter from my New Brunswick Lawyer John B.D. Logan. Was Raymond Writing? Letter to the Law Society also on the McLeod case .or was this Letter have soon ting to do with the Pleading of May 28, 1998, or Because of what Richard turn in on February 24, 1998. That end up as an exhibit, NO; 14 from Discovery of 2001.

My case would be some what different .I would first hire a N.B. lawyer, Allen Miles. Because where I loss my planed self Employments, knowing this for sure on or about February 12,1997 and was forced under the circumstances to make a life change. End up Obtaining Employment out side of N.B. [forced to get a Lawyer]

On or about June 3, 1997 I would hire Allen Miles to look after my interest while I was out West Working and looking a round to see if I would be better of moving there.

To Day is Monday 19, 2007 and I won’t have any more time to work on this Letter.

Because I just faxed a Six Pages Motion to Mr. Goodwin Lawyer. Hugh J. Cameron and not 25mim past and there was a S.A.Deliveries agent at my door, giving me a sign for Letter. Attachment Stewart McKinley Re; Court File No; F/C/187/04.

But I will say this, before the trial in March of 2005; I would fax a copy of the Action of Goodwin to Robert Pineo and Caldwell, instructing the Lawyers to enter this as a tab on the applicant’s Exhibit book list. (Fact this ended up on the respondent Exhibit book in trial)

I fax this Action on Mr. Goodwin and along also a 13 pages Back ground report that I prepare for the Lawyer.

My now ex lawyers or the lawyers that I did not have fighting for my Company or self at the Trial in March of 2005. I told Lawyers Mr.Pineo, Mr.Eddy, and Mr. Caldwell that I requested the Goodwin Action that was served on Him in June of 2004 be entered by my Law firm lawyers. That now there a motion on this file number F/C/187/04 set to be heard on February 26/07 ? I should have had my files back by now. Is it only Circumstances that there was a Status hearing on February 12/07 and now there a motion hearing set for the 26/07 as well.

So I am presuming that Jamie Eddy is or was my New Brunswick Lawyer. If Robert Pineo, sending out Letter to Mr. Eddy? I guest I must be right. I have you to know that on August 29, 2005. I took a heart attach and ended up having Heart Snuggery, now I was not aloud to do any thing till the end of December of 2005, I also would have to move in December of 2005, do to the Circumstances. As I was telling my room house land lord that I would be moving out west, before I took the Heart attract. To be closer to my grand daughter and daughter Aimee. I had no attachment of taking the money of Judge Russell Decision of June 3, 2005. Till I found out what I would be getting back on my costs and out of pocket expenses. This time in November of 2005, I was being forced to changes my mind .do to the stress of Snuggery with no driver lesson and my land lady all ready had my room rented out for the month of December. To a person that would be there for two years .I was now being forced to try to get the Money, I was very distress and unhappy that under the circumstances I found my self in that I would have to seek money from Russell Decision.

Now in order to get payment from the Lawyers, they were telling me that I would have to signs paper for then, to give to the Government. Before they would send the money from N.S. At first they sent out the paper an advice me to sign and return then to there Office in N.S., before I would see the Cheque. I inform then that I would not be signing any paper for then on less the money was to be release to me the same time. This took about two weeks to come about. (I did not think they would give up the Money.)

On or about November 2/05 my NB lawyer Jamie Eddy had a call put to me telling me that they have a Cheque for us my son and my self.

On or about November 4, 2005 we would go to the Fredericton office of Patterson Palmer Law office for a meeting with Jamie C.Eddy. Now at this Meeting Mr. Eddy had us to sign Affidavit of Execution of Release of funds.

See 9 pages of Attachment:

Now there was also a letter to your Attention: Mr. David Eidt that was already in advance of our Meeting with Mr. Eddy, as you can see by the letter head on this Letter to you the law Firm that represents us was Patterson Palmer law, and the lawyer in NB was at this time, was Jamie Eddy, that would have us sign these paper of Release. (It was Not Douglas Caldwell or Robert Pineo.)

This brings us to the Question if they had no intention to put in Documents of Cost for Payment of Costs and Disbursements, to be assessed by the court if necessary.

Then my files should of have been return on this day of November 4 by Mr. Eddy.

Now there the matter of the appeal .Now Mr. Eddy being our N.B. lawyer know dam well if his Clint, in the case of Richard A. Harris ,the results of the appeal initiated by him in the Court of Appeal. (He would need his files as quickly as possible)

On or about September 14, 2006, I made a request to Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy

Or Patterson Palmer Law, Firm. Requesting my total files as to the letter to Jamie Eddy (see letters to Caldwell of 2005 and 2006)

See Attachment of nine pages of release Document of November 4/05

See Attachment of Letter. September 14, 2006.

Robert Pineo is talking about two Issues in this Email letter to Jamie C.Eddy.

The first Issue is the Taxation of there bill of Costs only. I have you to know

That I don’t except this as being Legal, as you are well aware that I am, entitled as being the owner ‘’ costs’’ as well.

I will need at least three month to do this taste once I have my file return to my self.

Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs ,he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006 that I was not aware of, on till I received this letter from the Law Society. He is saying this is his Affidavit, is it not a law under the Expropriation Act (o.c.84-46) accordingly to this case.

Now Mr.Eidt I have informed you a number of times about this Court File: File No.: M/M/206/96

McLeod V. New Brunswick (province) now here we got a Case with all most all the Same Stage people. They are John S Raymond, Douglas Caldwell, a Government Lawyer, the appraiser Goodwin, testimony’s of Mac Carter on Jim McDonald reports that was done in 2000,

Mr. Eidt do you know what the word cul-de-sac mean (a dead end street) after my gravel pit was sold A cul-de-sac was a dead end JOB.

There were all most the same circumstances going on, the different is in Court the Government knew that there side, and did not have any Appraisal reports, with Mr. Carter as there appraiser. So my Lawyer would enter his reports,??

But what became more importance at this time is the Goodwin Matter of the up coming motion set for February 26,2007 that Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs ,he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006,that I was not aware of, on till I received this latter from the Law Society.

Now you said to me in Court on February, 12, 2007 that you would give me a copy of this Affidavit. I would like a copy before February 22, 2007 as more then likely

I will need it on this Motion of the 26, day of February 2007.

I would like to bring this to your attention that the Goodwin Action would have not come to be if I was not in this land disputed. Now at Discovery of September 11, 2001 Mr. Caldwell said he would be Entering the Goodwin Bill to the Government as well. I don’t be lived this has been done. So I will be entering his costs along with mine as soon as I get my file back. Plus all the rest of my never ending costs that go on daily. Do to all matter of the loss of my self Employments.

This loss started on or about February 12, 1997. As of to day February, 19, /07 this is over 10 years of out right delved abuse to a person. This time faring of Delay is Abuse in it self.

Robert Pineo said in this Attachment Email of October 25, 2006 that I presume him talking about you? Counsel has agreed not to pursue the taxation until such time as the Court delivers its decisions on four pending taxations.

Am I aloud to know who these people are, as it looks like they also had a lot difficulty?

Now Mr.Pineo go on to say that one of these cases is Factually similar to the Harris case, and on a Decision to act as Precedent. Well I hope that there was no Successful Negotiations on there bill yet. As I have not even got my files back.

I think fore sure I would have the Right to know who this person is, that you know my ex lawyers are justifying there $212,359.86 bill of Costs on this File.

Mr. Pineo said the Second Issue is the return of the file to Mr. Harris.

Here a Question that I would like you to answer why is he tacking on an undertaken to Vet my File before returning it to the Client or to my self. Do you not know that there are soon tings rung here?

Well on the 26, day of February 2007 Robert Pineo now has been at vetting my Files for over four Months now. Maybe this got a lot to do with the Goodwin matter that flowed from these four parcels of property being expropriated.

Three parcels, there would not even be mark able in size and shapes.

It is 5pm and I got to try to get ready for the Motion,

Your truly ___________________ _____________________

Richard Harris. February 19,2007.

Monday, February 19, 2007

February 20/07 Cover FAX

721 Irvine St. Apt 40

Fredericton, NB E3A 3E4

506 460-8099 Home

506 260 7960 Cell

Richard Harris



David D.Eidt, Esq. Legal services Branch


Richard Harris 460-8099




45or so



February 20, 2007


fileNo.100/05/CA and, Court File No. F/C/187/04 F/C/328/00


So far Law Society of NB

Urgent For Review Please Comment Please Reply Please Recycle

The main thing is that I have a copy of Robert Pineo Affidavit right a way.

You can fax it to me by calling me first, at 460-8099

Lawyer David Eidt.

On or about September 14, 2006, I made a request to Patterson Palmer Hunt Murphy

Or Patterson Palmer Law, Firm. Requesting my total files as to the letter to Jamie Eddy (see letters to Caldwell of 2005 and 2006)

See Attachment of nine pages of release Document of November 4/05

See Attachment of Letter. September 14, 2006.

Robert Pineo is talking about two Issues in this Email letter to Jamie C.Eddy.

The first Issue is the Taxation of there bill of Costs only. I have you to know

That I don’t except this as being Legal, as you are well aware that I am, entitled as being the owner ‘’ costs’’ as well.

I will need at least three month to do this taste once I have my file return to my self.

Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs ,he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006 that I was not aware of, on till I received this letter from the Law Society. He is saying this is his Affidavit, is it not a law under the Expropriation Act (o.c.84-46) accordingly to this case.

Now Mr.Eidt I have informed you a number of times about this Court File: File No.: M/M/206/96

McLeod V. New Brunswick (province) now here we got a Case with all most all the Same Stage people. They are John S Raymond, Douglas Caldwell, a Government Lawyer, the appraiser Goodwin, testimony’s of Mac Carter on Jim McDonald reports that was done in 2000,

Mr. Eidt do you know what the word cul-de-sac mean (a dead end street) after my gravel pit was sold A cul-de-sac was a dead end JOB.

There were all most the same circumstances going on, the different is in Court the Government knew that there side, and did not have any Appraisal reports, with Mr. Carter as there appraiser. So my Lawyer would enter his reports,??

But what became more importance at this time is the Goodwin Matter of the up coming motion set for February 26,2007 that Robert Pineo not only provided a bill of costs ,he also provided you Mr.Eidt a Affidavit in March on 2006,that I was not aware of, on till I received this latter from the Law Society.

Now you said to me in Court on February, 12, 2007 that you would give me a copy of this Affidavit. I would like a copy before February 22, 2007 as more then likely

I will need it on this Motion of the 26, day of February 2007.

I would like to bring this to your attention that the Goodwin Action would have not come to be if I was not in this land disputed. Now at Discovery of September 11, 2001 Mr. Caldwell said he would be Entering the Goodwin Bill to the Government as well. I don’t be lived this has been done. So I will be entering his costs along with mine as soon as I get my file back. Plus all the rest of my never ending costs that go on daily. Do to all matter of the loss of my self Employments.

This loss started on or about February 12, 1997. As of to day February, 19, /07 this is over 10 years of out right delved abuse to a person. This time faring of Delay is Abuse in it self.

Robert Pineo said in this Attachment Email of October 25, 2006 that I presume him talking about you? Counsel has agreed not to pursue the taxation until such time as the Court delivers its decisions on four pending taxations.

Am I aloud to know who these people are, as it looks like they also had a lot difficulty?

Now Mr.Pineo go on to say that one of these cases is Factually similar to the Harris case, and on a Decision to act as Precedent. Well I hope that there was no Successful Negotiations on there bill yet. As I have not even got my files back.

I think fore sure I would have the Right to know who this person is, that you know my ex lawyers are justifying there $212,359.86 bill of Costs on this File.

Mr. Pineo said the Second Issue is the return of the file to Mr. Harris.

Here a Question that I would like you to answer why is he tacking on an undertaken to Vet my File before returning it to the Client or to my self. Do you not know that there are soon tings rung here?

Well on the 26, day of February 2007 Robert Pineo now has been at vetting my Files for over four Months now. Maybe this got a lot to do with the Goodwin matter that flowed from these four parcels of property being expropriated.

Three parcels, there would not even be mark able in size and shapes.

It is 5pm and I got to try to get ready for the Motion,

Your truly ___________________ _____________________

Friday, February 16, 2007

Ombdsman Office N.B.

721 Irvine St. Apt 40

Fredericton, NB E3A 3E4

506 460-8099 Home

506 260 7960 Cell

Richard Harris



Minister of Justice T J Burke


Richard Harris








January 23, 2007


File No:F/C/328

ileNo.100/05/CA and, Court File No. F/C/187/04


Law Society of New Brunswick & Charles Leblanc

Urgent For Review Please Comment Please Reply Please Recycle

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Exceeding Expectations in Expropriation

Exceeding Expectations Lawyers are Douglas A Caldwell, Rorert H.Pineo, Patrick Dornan, Nancy M Breen, John E.McKim, Anita L.Fisher ,and
Patti Sharpe . all in the Truro N.S. office the gang
, the Government organized group.

Now for the saint John Office Gang,,,,,,,,, JOHN B.D.Logan ,,
,,,,E.Ann Mowatt,
Rick F.T.Nesbitt.

Now for the Fredericton Office Gang,,,,,,,Jamie C.EDDY ,,,,,Christian E. Michaud,,,,

Daniel P. Leger,,,,,,,and they left out on there bill Jennifer Sutherland
,Murielle Bertrand, now on February 12/07 In frount of the Court
House, who did i see walking up Queen's street ,I thought it was the person that sent out
377 pages of E-mail doing his best to help me.where the lawyers would Turn a round and use this guy work he did in court to herte me,

I got to say to him that i am sorry of bad mouthing him.

I can see by the paper trail ,He more then likley did not see what was to take place in Court in March of 2005, ( sorry Bud )

there total bill is only $212,359.86 but look what they got H.A.R. Const.Ltd. the big sume of $2,726.00 Dollars WoW WOW> HOW Nice.

Is there any one out there that will write a book on this Matter, of what up with this. I have 20 year of Information on Hand, Email Me

Exceeding Expropriation ? i just can't Waite to buy a piece of property to make a living. WOW is there ever Big Money Expropriation.??

maybe next time H.A.R will get $4,000. for the next 20 year it took more then 10 year this time ,

I am starting to see freemen 55, this year WOW. may be i can be like Sheldon Lee he told me he worked on weekend.


Who For ? was it for Goodwin ? He got $ 21,000. for 22 week of work of no value

Was it for the good of the Taxpayer ? it has costs not less then $400,000. so far

I sure it was not for the good of

H.A.R.Construction Limited . $ 2,726.00

Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I need help right now


INDEX NUMBER 6 I need sone one to write for me Richard Harris



Farnham Road


June 27, 1994

Sale Price: $11,000.00

0.468432 hectares

(1.56622 acres)

Grantor: Peter J. Arsenault and Viva M. Arsenault

Grantee: Antoine Hughesman and Angela Lynn Hughesman


Corner lot

Wooded lot


Slopes down from south to north to Morehouse Road.

Well and septic system

Mr. Mrs. Arsenault had to move from their homestead at the end of Farnham road because of age and health.

Farnham road is more or less a layer driveway.

They moved in with their daughter and husband due to their age and failing health.

They moved in with their daughter and since then they have built a granny suite for them.

Grantee: Hughesmans purchased the lot. The total of the Arsenault land was approximately 15 to 20 acres and this purchase by the Hughesmans was the last piece that could be a legal lot size.

The lot took a lot of fill to even accommodate this mini home.

The Morehouse road has a brook on it that runs behind this mini home and there was only room to get this mini home onto the land.

The land is very wet where it has not been filled in with high fill.

Look at the high mound surrounding the mini home and the cost would be high to build this lot up any more than what it is at present.

They actually got enough room to sit the mini home up and the driveway and this cost a lot for the required fill for this partial upgrade of the lot.

Half of this lot is not usable.

There was a lot of cost to install the septic system on this small amount of usable land.

Richard A. Harris said...
//I need some one to write for me Richard Harris phone 460-8099
3:00 PM
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