I only got 6 banker boxes back from the N.S.
See Robert Pineo Letter To Eddy There was
10 boxes ? Did not get back a letter that
i seen in the Fredericton Office ? quote that Jamie
send the files down here to make it more Difficult
for Richard to see them ? these files were move
in February of 2004?
pass our version of the Client Identification Rules
look like i will never get a copy of this E-mail that
I seen by accidence in 2004? Eddy gave me at that time what he had in the Lawyer
office in Fredericton ? boy was i stupid that day! I should of Just took this E-mail. ?
Date: June 2, 2008
To: Membership
From: Darrel Pink
Re: Client Identification Regulations
In June, Council will be asked to pass our version of the Client Identification Rules that have
been developed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. These regulations will come
into effect in November 2008 and will impose requirements on gathering information about
clients and keeping this in your files. These are part of the legal profession’s response to new
regulations under Federal Money Laundering legislation and it is our expectation that with
these regulations the specific obligations under the new federal regulations will not apply to
the legal profession.
It is acknowledged that these rules will create some burden for lawyers and law firms until
they become familiar with them and set up the systems that they will require. What is
important is that lawyers both know their clients and keep information about their clients who
are involved in transactions. Please note that the regulations largely apply to property and
commercial transactions and not to litigation matters although there are circumstances in
which a litigation retainer might involve a transaction which would bring the application of
these rules into play.
It is expected the Society will develop some forms or templates to assist members in applying
these new rules but in the end, it is the obligation of individual lawyers and law firms to
ensure they have the systems in place to apply them appropriately.
N:\Executive\KHandley (Executive Assistant)\Publications Department\Notice to Membership June 2 2008.doc
Law Societies in Canada
The Federation of Law Societies of CanadaThe Federation of Law Societies of Canada is the umbrella organization of the fourteen Law Societies in Canada. Each law society governs the legal profession within their respective province or territory.
- Law Society of British Columbia
- Law Society of Alberta
- Law Society of Saskatchewan
- Law Society of Manitoba
- Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario)
- Barreau du Quebec
- Chambre des notaries du Quebec
- Law Society of New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society
- Law Society of Newfoundland
- Law Society of Yukon
- Law Society of Northwest Territories
- Law Society of Nunavut
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