QSLS Politics
“Society exists only as a mental concept;
in the real world there are only individuals.”
- Oscar Wilde
Saturday, May 17, 2008
David Amos: NB-NWO whistleblower Part 4
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Whereas nobody seems to get it and especially you ...
QSLS Politics Comments - David Raymond Amos - May 16th
Whereas nobody seems to get it and especially you Danny Boy I will tell ya this much once again as briefly as possible because everybody hates it when I write too much. N'est Pas?
The Major Faux Pas of the media was when the Telegram mentioned the lawsuit of the Liberal MP Big Bad Billy Matthews Versus the Newfy Byron Prior. Your link to their website is pure BULLSHIT they did not publish it on the Internet and you know it. You stole your scoop from my email posted in the Gypsy's blog.
Byway of the Affadavit of the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May which you robbed as well you know it was Byron Prior whom I wrote the words of the defence and counterclaim for that gave everybody and his dog on the Rock a heart attack on January 21st, 2005.
What you do not know and I know for a fact is that my work caused Judge Derek Green to hide the documents of the matter in the safe within his chambers and to order the ban of the publication of any of them. Byron Prior did explain to the Newfys that they might stop him but they could never put a muzzle on me easily. The proof of these facts if anyone had bothered to look is within my emails posted within my blogs from years ago. Obviously I laughed at the Newfy's nonsense and ignored the mean old bastard immediately. What I never understood for the longest time is why Byron Prior had called me a Fed within a month of pleading for help. Just this year I realized that he had made adeal with the devil commonly known as Stevey Boy Harper and his cohorts. It must be really rotting his socks to see Johnny "Never Been godd" crosbie as his latest Lt. Gov. Byron can cry me a river now. He has been deleting my words lately as much as chucky Leblanc ever did. Once he did that I was assured he had been attempting to trade my freedom for his when he was asking me to come over to the Rock in secret in order to testify in his defence. Why Byron Prior behaves in such afashion is for no reason I will ever understand and the last thing I could call him now is any sort of a friend. If you had bothered to notice I included him within most of the emails to you and he did not argue a single word of my rants. Quite frankly I wonder if he has a conscience.
For the record I had published the words of Byron Prior's defence and counterclaim in the USA three years ago. You have skimmed over them several times Danny Boy. If you had stopped to read something you would have had the brief you requested. However you were just looking for something quick and juicy to cut and past and post Correct? I secured the proof that I owned my words BEFORE I gave them to Byron Prior to use in his defence byway of the email I sent to him to print and sign if he wished. You should not steal them. I still claim the right to use my work in my defence of my freedom and I filed them in Dorchester District Court in Massachusetts on the very same day Byron Prior filed them in NewFoundland and they have disappeared from that docket as well. Someda they may be worth something so you had better not steal my thunder. My words are the only thing I may be able to leave my kids of monetary value in the end. Also for the record Byron Prior was merely defending a civil lawsuit. I was defending my freedom and my familys' home and rights and interests. I have no doubt the prospect of those words reappearing caused the judge to come up with her recent judgement she was very careful not to mentiona prior lawsuit that purportedly does not exist (Only the Telegram mentioned that)
What really pisses me off is that everybody seems to forget that my kids are Canadians who have Human Rights too. They definitely did not deserve to suffer through all that they have gone through. Furthermore Byron Prior still has his home and family Correct? Why do you Fake Left people in Fat Fred City tease me about being persecuted and maliciusly prosecuted and homeless and without my family I must ask? I thought you folks spoke in defence of such things? Need I say BULLSHIT once against?
Everyone thinks I am rude to be very pissed at your insults or the fact that I was falsely imprisoned in the USA with the knowledge and assistance of the RCMP and the Dept of Foreign Affairs and that my wife and kids were robbed of their inheritances. Well FYI when the malicious Yankees threatened to arrest my wife then she and our kids were illegally evicted from our home in order to try to stop my pursuit of justice on their behalf and everybody laughed at our plight, I was all done being a nice guy.
I have made it well known that a dumb and very corrupt Newfy Judge don't scare me not even a little bit nor does anyone else for that matter. Futhermore no Canadian Judge or an Irving employee or anyone else has the power to strike down my words against the rights secured the 1st Amendment of the USA without arguing me in a Yankee court first.
When the Irving idiot Scotty Baby Agnew had the RCMP try to arrest me and have Google delete my blog about them and the nasty French Bastard Chucky Leblanc and then had Yahoo kill two of my email accounts, I laughed at them all and proved to the Irvings' lawyer and the MP Jim Prentice in a wink of an eye that I was far from done with them.
As Chucky loves to say "Stay Tuned" the aforesaid blog about him and the Irvings will reappear many times in short order and in court as well or my name ain't "Just Dave" In fact it has already been posted somewhere for a very long time. LMAO
Did I mention that pussy is my favorite snack? Tell me does telling the awful truth make me a rude dude or just painfully honest? At least I am man enough to admit to being a man while I torture the hell out of all the smiling bastards who covered up for nasty diddlers for way past too long. EH?
All that said these are the words of the Telegram that let the cat out of the bag and caused the lone wolf in me to pounce on Byron Prior and his Newfound friends in a heartbeat.
"The decision only applies to criminal applications of defamation law. Hoegg said Prior could possibly be sued in civil court over his allegations.
Three years ago, a federal politician filed a statement of claim in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador to have a website that contained allegations about him by Prior removed. In the statement, the politician said a website posted by Prior accuses him and other prominent Newfoundlanders of wrongdoing. A website containing the allegations is still active. Prior claims to be a victim of physical and sexual abuse."
Get it now Danny Boy? OR Anyone? Anyone?
If not go ahead Danny Boy and keep on attacking me. As you assist the diddlers in Newfoundland and the crooks who abused my kids in the USA, I will show you no mercy until all of Werner's cattle quit dying. Thus far that malice has gone on longer than you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye I am sad to say. Shame on you for attacking Werner and I for your own gain and the senseless entertainment of the drunken golfers of the Queens Square Leisure Society in Fat Fred City.
Veritas Vincit
One Very Jusfifiably Mean Old Grampy AKA you Find PPHM in here?
David Raymond Amos
Previous QSLS/Amos posts
The State over Church debate.: Over?
City tells church to stop feeding the homeless
The Canadian Press
May 16, 2008 at 12:48 AM EDT
ABBOTSFORD, B.C. — A church in Abbotsford, B.C., has been asked to stop feeding a group of homeless people that the city says is frightening residents of a seniors' home.
City council had initially asked churches to help them deal with issues of homelessness in the area.
Peace Lutheran Church has been delivering breakfast items like cereal and juice boxes every Thursday to homeless people in Jubilee Park.
But city council says the free food is also drawing in drug dealers and addicts, who have taken to congregating on the front steps of a seniors' centre next door.
The church says it won't stop.
Pastor Christoph Reiners says the homeless would still be in the park if they weren't being fed — the only difference is that they'd go hungry.
Original Source
Thursday, May 15, 2008
CBC New Brunswick covers mafioso-US border activities
Image Source
Community decries cops' organized crime catch and release
CBC News - Thursday, May 15, 2008
Members of the St. Stephen community in southwestern New Brunswick say they don't understand why police arrested and then released more than 30 people suspected in a smuggling ring.
New Brunswick RCMP arrested 33 people in connection with illegal gun smuggling, drug possession and child pornography in several southwestern New Brunswick communities on Tuesday.
The arrests were made as part of an ongoing joint investigation between law enforcement agencies from New Brunswick and Maine. The operation, codenamed "Jerrican", was looking at illegal weapons smuggling into Canada after more than 100 guns seized nationally pointed back to New Brunswick.
RCMP said at a press conference on Thursday that most of the weapons have now apparently been sold but four long guns, one handgun, an improvised explosive device, small quantities of drugs and cash and child pornography were seized from the individuals.
The weapons were being smuggled into Canada from the United States to support organized criminal activities, officials said.
Article Continues
Lennon lost; rekindle the revol. fires

by Dr. Kevin Barrett - Cité Libre
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon, before his murder by CIA mind-control subject Mark David Chapman
When Gandhi was asked his opinion of Western civilization he said it would be a good idea. But that oft-cited quote, is misleading, assuming as it does that civilization is an unmitigated blessing.
Civilized people, we are told, live peacefully and cooperatively with their fellows, sharing the necessary labour in order to obtain the leisure to develop arts and sciences. And while that would be a good idea, it is not a good description of what has been going on in the so-called advanced cultures during the past 8,000 years.
Civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been based on slavery and "warfare." Incidentally, the latter term is a euphemism for mass murder.
Article Continues
Summer 2008: We are Change vs. NWO
by Thahoketoteh of Kanekota, First Nations Columnist
Cité Libre
How many more children will have to die in Afghanistan before the Canadian people stop their involvement? These civilian casualties are reported by main stream media as footnotes to the "successes" of the "mission". The "War on Terror" was started as a result of the 911 attacks on the WTC, Pentagon and Shanksville. Canada immediately deployed it's military aid to fight the alleged terrorists that were responsible. But who really was responsible?
The Japanese Parliament has recently raised these questions in their public democratic format. At last, some politicians who really do want to get the real terrorists behind the murders committed in New York.
They raised the questions any police organization should, when investigating a horrendous crime. Like where is the wreckage of the plane that hit the Pentagon or that apparently crashed in a field in Shanksville. What about the molten metal found weeks later under the rubble? What about the eyewitness testimonies of the firemen in the towers reporting they heard multiple explosions, like a controlled demolition? What about building 7?
No doubt it was truly terrorists that committed these heinous acts but we should be fighting the real terrorists, no?
Article Continues
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cow mutilation & New Brunswick landgrab?
Video comment by Werner Bock:
This is amongst the strangest killings yet. The RCMP were not called because they either ignore the contact or say to quit bothering them about the eleven icidents of arson on his farm or when they do come they ignore the obvious crimes and threaten to shoot the dog. Worse yet one French GRC officer asked a hard working immigrant farmer why he doesn't he move as they stood and watched the local Fire Dept put out another incident of ARSON? A man who has worked his land in New Brunswick longer than some of the RCMP who tease him were alive is staying put and demanding that they act within the scope of their employment or find a new job in some other "Place to BE".
From Mr. Bock's Maritime Troubles

Mr. Bock placed these dead animals on the roadside to attract the attention of passers-by because the RCMP and the heath and agriculture authorities either ignored, botched all logical analytical sampling and discovery, or blamed Mr. Bock in the usual "Blame the Victim" way of the cowardly, arrogant and incompetent paid government "authorities."
No problem can be solved until it is understood.
This is the website of Mr. Werner Bock, a farmer from Germany and New Brunswick. Mr. Bock has been a farmer his entire life, and attended the technical colleges of Agriculture and Business in Northeim, Germany, for four years of appropriate science and business training. His family still resides on the family farm in Germany.
Mr. Bock now primarily cares for beef cattle, although his pets and even he, has acquired strange injuries. These injuries defy a logical explanation. 200 head of cattle have died mysteriously over the past 10 years, which is a significant loss of income, not to mention heartache. Mr. Bock has sought redress and investigation from every level of Canadian Government and has been met with incompetence, neglect, buck-passing, and outright abuse in response. On this website we research and document the injuries.
The incompetence of the various governments, complaint boards, ombudsmen, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and failed policies of government interference/shortsightenedness are nothing new to the area farmers. Mr. Bock has made numerous trips and written appeals to Fredericton, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto to request a proper investigation, but apparently the health of the regional agriculture and the obvious questions of how these occurances of illness and injury may be affecting the local human population are of no concern to the various bureaucracies.
In attempts to contact the media, on radio, Mr. Bock has been met with the more common derogatory and cruel rejections that reek of the usual corruption and neglect from government that is seen in the United States
Canada has the resources to do better than this.
The normal means of research is, of course, formal documentation and laboratory examination, but the best Mr. Bock could get from the local veterinarians and the RCMP was bungled sample handling, such as scraping off of surface tissue and washing excised damaged tissues in a puddle of water on the ground, and allowing soil samples to sit un-refridgerated for weeks at a time.
Within the YouTube website, YouTube has associated a video of some of the damage to Mr. Bock's cattle to "UFOs are doing it" videos produced by others. Mr. Bock makes no assertions that "aliens" are at work, here. Rather, this web brings forth what is scientific and validated. Thus the link to the aforementioned video within a website published in the USA has been removed.
What the law enforcement authorities and the media in Canada wish to ignore is the simple fact that the killing of cattle is a crime and that the speaking out against the public corruption and the associated malice and or incompetence of public servants who chose to ignore such a crime is not. The Canadian Charter of Rights is very clear about the right to Free Speech and the more than justifiable Political Actions of a very hardworking, taxpaying immigrant farmer. The RCMP and the various Ministers and their underlings within the various federal and provincial mandates of Canadian government over the course of over thirty years have refused to act within the scope of their employment, uphold the law, the public trust and protect the interests of at least one farmer. The plight of one immigrant whose sad complaints have been ignored for way past too long should be the concern to all Proud Canadians if not for the obvious ongoing crime, at the very least fot an environmental concern to all. Whatever killed these cattle so suddenly over the years can no doubt kill humans too.
One thing no one can ever deny is that the Canadian Criminal Code does state as follows and nobody cannot deny that there are photos of many dead cattle attached to this website. One must ask why the RCMP have refused to do their job and merely claim that they lack the resources to investigate. The RCMP have refused to return the farm since October of 2006 and seldom even return a phone call. Three more animals have died since then and the Royal Candian Mounted Police quite simply don't care to investigate crimes they don't wish to despite their federal mandate and their contract with the people of the Province of New Brunswick.
Cattle and Other Animals
Injuring or endangering cattle
444. Every one who wilfully
(a) kills, maims, wounds, poisons or injures cattle, or
(b) places poison in such a position that it may easily be consumed by cattle,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 400.
People should investigate on their own and become familiar with the National Libraries of Medicine and other science databases
To find the US National Library of Medicine, Google National Library of Medicine and click on the PubMed page. This is a very user-friendly search engine, because don't forget, common MDs have to use it, and most of them perform no real laboratory research and learn everything they know from BigPharma and BigInsurance.
Use also the various patent databases, such as USPTO.gov, or Espacenet (the European and World patent databases) to compare what the public is told vs what the government funded researchers really claim about pathophysiologies and their causes. In the US the biggest abuse of scientific research funds occurs under the Dole-Bayh Act, in which researchers can patent what DNA they discover. Sometimes these discoveries are not put to the best benefit of the public, as is the case with the Yale Borrelia burgdorferi-specific flagellin method to detect "Lyme Disease." Yale's best test is patented under US patent 5,618,533, but this earliest and most accurate test is not available to the public or veterinarians, nor was it used to assess vaccines outcomes.
More info
Fastened To A Dying Animal
Fastened To A Dying Animal
by Phil Rockstroh - The Populist Party
April 30, 2008
[S]ick with desire
And fastened to a dying animal
It knows not what it is; and gather me
Into the artifice of eternity.
- W.B. Yeats
(W)e, against all evidence, believe we are free actors in a spontaneous, unfolding democratic drama. When, in reality, we have been cast as dehumanized supernumeraries in a lethal farce that renders all concerned both oppressor and oppressed. This is the central paradox that binds us. And it is why the average American cannot see our imperial occupation of Iraq and our increasingly dangerous belligerence towards Iran for what it is. How can we have a modicum of empathy for the people of Iraq when we refuse to even glimpse our own degraded condition and our complicity therein?
"God Damn America," the people of Sadr City must rage, as the bombs shake their homes and tear the flesh from their friends and family. "God Damn, America," I mutter, echoing the good Reverend Wright, as I witness the indifference of the American people to the war crimes committed by our nation's leaders.
By the insidious technique of propaganda by omission, the public has been manipulated into a state approaching criminal obliviousness. "What is this crazy talk about the calamity of class stratification that defines and divides the nation, and what sort of demented, leftist loser would even raise the topic among decent company?" our present mandarins of media scoff when the topic of class inequity is broached. Add to that, the ongoing ruse of the ceaseless dissemination of fear perfected by the right-wing media noise machine and then parroted in the mainstream media that goes something like the following: "There are evil entities afoot in the nation known as radical liberals who scheme to take away your guns and give them to islamofascist terrorists so that those agents of Satan over at Planned Parenthood will be free to rip fetuses from their mothers wombs in order to expose the unborn to porn."
This is the reason for the cacophony of inanity that dominates the coverage of the political events of our time: It serves as white noise that drowns out unpleasant truths. It is the mood music piped into our national bubble. Accordingly, trivial and specious narratives drive and dominate our national political debate and it has, as a consequence, rendered the nation's public too shallow to even apprehend the extent of the damage inflicted by official treachery, professional cupidity, and the degree of their own degradation therein.
Otherwise, the collective psyche of the nation would be shaken to the core. Tragically, there is no longer any core to be found. There is merely the surface sheen of the American bubblescape . its surface taut with inner tension as it is stretched to its limits, as, all the while, reality bristles ever closer to its over-stretched skin.
Full Article
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Blog Archive
- ▼ 08 (267)
- ▼ 05 (24)
- David Amos: NB-NWO whistleblower Part 4
- The State over Church debate.: Over?
- CBC New Brunswick covers mafioso-US border activit...
- Lennon lost; rekindle the revol. fires
- Summer 2008: We are Change vs. NWO
- Cow mutilation & New Brunswick landgrab?
- Fastened To A Dying Animal
- Pensions sucked dry in global ponzi scheme
- Canuck cops feign fear in more fraudulent WOT dete...
- McMafia: Global criminals & Canadian corruption
- Am I being Detained? Am I free to go?
- Robert Downey Jr. is a superhero
- Blood Coal Pwrs New Brunswick?
- NFLD whistleblower dodges defamation charge
- Irving Mayor's belief in kloptocracy remains stoli...
- Drive up drugs: Legitimate crackdown or embarassme...
- The future of political journalism?
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- Philly cops forget rule number 1: no kicking suspe...
- Sept. 11 '08: 911 truth goes to Ottawa
- Torture hidden from Bushist Troops
- Sham taser inquiry can't hide manufacturer lies or...
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- ► 04 (72)
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- NB Legislature Liveblog #0001
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- Piracy is Good - M$M vs. the Internets
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- SPP ushers in mark of the beast
- “Humanitarian Wars” and Associated Delusions
- ▼ 05 (24)

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