Fact:are look at the Mcleod V N.B.[2000]N.B.R.(2d)(supp.)No.112 (TD) Judicial of Moncton on June 22,2000.?you can fine this Case at site http://canlii.org/ . Now look what Government employee John Raymond He knew about Goodwin,and the N.S. Lawyer Douglas Caldwell ,look how the N.B. Taxpayers will reward this Employee for being so responsible to the Taxpayer .? Now it not like the Government did not know what was to take place ,as far back as 1995, . ?? or before . The Fact: New Brunswick Association of Real Estate Appraisers , was incorporated on January 1,1995 ? when the province of N.B. Legislative Assemble passed a bill 17 ,chapter 108 of provincial legislation : the Act to Incorporate the N.B. Association of Real ESTATE APPRAISERS ,??? Now look at Government Association Member John S. Raymond and all D.O. T. Appraisers ? like for one Jeniffer Logan & her Husband ,Les Smith ,part owner of Hardy Appraisals Ltd. ( then go look at the 1998 &99 Province Books,?)now did the Government not have the land requirement, Expropriation Family all ready in place in early 1995,?
Now Look at Documents that I would not see till August 2001 of DOT ,and you will see that i was Forced to get a Appraiser, ?look how I got hook up with Goodwin.
The Back ground Evidence is That Taxpayer Government Employee John S.Raymond is one of the head engineer person,behind this conflict of interest sponsorshit scandal that now is Injustice with my Legeal,constitutional and Human Right to life.
Fact: don't just look at the Mcleod Case. there are Other? Same Lawyer firm?
to see go to http://canlii.org/ access by case name=a b c=McLeod =M or docket:s/m/81/oo this Case lawyer =patterson,palmer,hunt,Murphy ,? now this lawyer out fit change there name.?so why is it like this in 2006. you can do the research if you have time.?
Now look what this Government Employee John S Raymond Knew about Goodwin & NS lawyer Douglas Caldwell.look how you NB Plantation taxpayer are going to rewarded this Government Employee and the rest of his Expropriation Family for being so Responsibly to you the Tax-payers (quote) did we not have a war over these
tactics in the pass,???
It not like the Governments MLA and Minister did not know what was to take place as far back as 1995. may be they should pay the Costs .( question )what will be the total costs,??? You Plantation Tax-Payers should start thinking the cost to Society as a hole.?
Fact: the N.B.Association of Real Estate Appraisers ,was Incorporated on January 1,1995 how nice, H.A.R Construction Limited was Incorporated in 1977.??
January 1,1995 when the Province of N.B.Legislative Assemble passed a bill-17,Chapter 108 of provincial Legislation :ACT,to Incorporate The N.B.Association of Real Estate Appraiser,? (so Real Estate Land Owner could be bully &buffalo out of there Real Estate,) what a System,
Now look at head Government,Association members Appraiser John S.Raymond and one of his Comrad Association members Jeniffer Logan.?Gest who her Husband is. NB,Real Estate Association member Less Smith,who was or is part owner of Hardy Appraiser Ltd. Look who owne Fredericton Appraiser before he sold it, ?I wount tell you who he sold it to,but the former owner was Malcolm J.Carter,AACI, FRI,CMR. the Appraiser that has allready ben Paid over 10,thousand dollars ? I would find this out December of 2002?why tell you latter, got to post now. Help?
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I need some one to write for me
Richard Harris phone 460-8099
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